Home » today » Entertainment » Balfido .. the drunk Mirhan Hussein excelled in imitating the Saudis and the Saudi dialect

Balfido .. the drunk Mirhan Hussein excelled in imitating the Saudis and the Saudi dialect

The young artist Mirhan Hussein communicates with her fans and followers on a permanent basis through her official page on social networking sites and is keen to share with them every new fancy of pictures and videos of her diary.

Mirhan was keen to share with her followers a new video of her speaking in the dialect of the people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, specifically the residents of the city of “Jeddah”.

Mirhan posted on her personal page on “Instagram” a video clip in which she appeared speaking in the Saudi dialect and stated that she was living in Saudi Arabia during a period of her life. He also asked her followers to correct her mistakes in speaking, and wrote a commentary on the video “Every year, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the people Saudi is doing a thousand good. ”

Mirhan had published a funny video of her two days ago, in which she revealed the opposite way that she is often exposed to on her mobile phone.

Mirhan posted on her personal account on the “Instagram” website and application, a video clip in which she appeared revealing to us the solution, which was the inhalation of helium balloons, and Mirhan wrote on the video: “I found the solution to respond to the strange numbers who called me 785 times after some.”

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It is noteworthy that Mirhan Hussein’s last work was the series “Khatem Al-Nimr” starring Ahmed Salah Hosni and Nasreen Tafesh, Islam Gamal, Tamer Shaltout, Afaf Shuaib, and produced by “Synergy”, written by Muhammad Abdel Muti, and directed by Ahmed Samir Farag.

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