Home » today » Health » Baleine sous Gravillon (BSG) | S02E96 Viruses and evolution 1/4: we are all virus dust, Samuel Alizon (CNRS researcher)

Baleine sous Gravillon (BSG) | S02E96 Viruses and evolution 1/4: we are all virus dust, Samuel Alizon (CNRS researcher)

Whale under Gravel (BSG) is a confinement baby, born May 21, 2020. This native and independent podcast, popular science, fun, non-profit and volunteer, no ads and general public is entirely devoted to amazing living beings, known or unknown, to the # biodiversity from #nature.

BSG is a journey into the living world, from whales to bacteria. Better understand to better defend. Get out of your habits, out of your comfort. Learn, get involved, share, get involved, everyone as they can.

Season 1 was devoted to #biomimétisme. BSG now covers all subjects related to nature and#environment.

Since season 2, which started on September 2, 2020, the episodes are interviews with personalities, authors, scientists, directors, travelers, explorers, guides and wildlife photographers, sportsmen, environmentalists, artists, leaders of NGOs or companies … in short, “smugglers”.

These rare and privileged witnesses, men AND women, known or not, share their experiences, their analyzes, their emotions. They tell about nature and living beings, cooked like a good wok over low but sustained heat, to fully understand the issues and the subtleties, the beauty but also the importance of our non-human brothers and sisters.

Good listening:)

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