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“Bale does not want to go to the Premier, he is very happy in Madrid”

Gareth Bale’s future goes through Real Madrid. As OKDIARO said, the player does not want to leave the Madrid club and his only wish is to continue wearing white for many more years. This has been confirmed by his agent, Jonathan Barnett, in an interview with BBC Radio 4 in which he ensures that the Welsh winger “He is very happy in Madrid” and ruled out the possibility of his return to the Premier League.

“As I have always said, he is very happy in Madrid. He leads a very pleasant lifestyle, I see no reason for him to changeBarnett commented. The player’s agent considers it highly unlikely that he will return to the Premier League despite rumors about the interest of some teams such as Newcastle: «Going back would be great news, but I don’t think I want to. at the moment as he is very happy to play for Madrid ».

Suitors are not lacking. Several clubs in the English league want to take over the services of Bale (Manchester United, Chelsea, Tottenham, Manchester City or Newcastle), there was even talk of MLS, an option that does not contemplate either: «I have no idea what their market value is, their salary is quite high and where you want to be is very important in your life. It is the clubs that must decide what they want to pay for it ».

«Financially you will want enough for the rest of your life and for your children and grandchildren.. Bale has won everything except the World Cup, ”says Barnett, hinting that the only option the player is considering is to stay with Real Madrid. The statements of his representative make it clear that the footballer has no intention of leaving the capital of Spain despite the fact that he does not count for Zinedine Zidane.

Bale remains at thirteen and insists on continuing in the white team for another year. It does not seem to matter to him the fact that it does not enter the plans of the French technician. He rejected the MLS and now the Premier, confirming what this newspaper said in his day that he wants to continue despite the fact that Real Madrid has been trying to sell him for some time. The truth is that his high record (15 million euros) and the coronavirus crisis make it even more difficult to transfer to the Welsh international, since few clubs can pay him that salary.

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