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Baldur’s Gate III: The Epic RPG with Hundreds of Hours of Gameplay

Baldur’s Gate III looks to be one of the biggest RPGs ever made, with hundreds of hours of cutscenes, a wide range of races, subraces and classes to choose from, and a huge world to explore, it’s safe to say there’s a lot going on to do.

Now, CEO of Larian Studiosalready confirmedthe standard run of Baldur’s Gate III requires“75 to 100 hours”.

“There will be people who go beyond that, people who want to do everything,”he added.“I think they might hit 200 hours. On average, we see people who are going through about 75 to 100 hours.

I think people re-roll a lot. We have such an insane number of classes, subclasses, races and subraces. This is not a small game that you will finish in a month. You will play it piecemeal. Maybe you’ll join a friend in a multiplayer game – we also have join/drop multiplayer. There are many ways to play.we are at[神性:原罪2]Also seen in, people playing for years. There are still quite a few people playing it and still discovering new things in it. This one is noticeably bigger and has noticeably more depth. I don’t think you’ll do it in a month, that’s all I’m saying.

Baldur’s Gate III launches on PC on August 3 and on PS5 on September 6.

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