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Balázs Orbán: Hungary can become a key state of the new world order in the coming period

Balázs Orbán said at the event organized at the National University of Public Service (NKE) that the book deals with the transformation of the world order and that it is mainly Hungarian he analyzes it from a point of view.

He recalled that

Hungary joined the Western world in a rather difficult situation after the 20th century inflicted many wounds on it.

Starting with Trianon, through the communist regimes, during which we were constantly lagging behind developed countries.

At the same time, said the political director, it has now succeeded in building an export-oriented economy, while the Hungarian economy is one of the most open in the world.

Thanks to tax reductions among others, Hungary has now escaped the trap of being a medium-developed country. € – he added.

According to his description, in the book he says that for Hungary, the risk of arrest has never been as great as it is now.

He recalled that the collapse of the Soviet Union was used to strengthen the economy of the Western world, but not only did they create economic dominance, but also it was formulated as a wish to usher in a more peaceful period. This is when the era of the so-called hegemon of the United States began, but now this “Washington Consensus” is increasingly being replaced by a “Beijing Consensus”, since China broke with the planning instructions with the economic system, but it did not reduce the level of state intervention, and these factors helped a lot in the recovery, while China’s According to its guidelines, it would like to enter the world economy system.

Among other things, this resulted in the irretrievable disintegration of the previous world order, which is exactly what we are experiencing today, Balázs Orbán emphasized.

Players in world politics and the world economy gradually recognized the disintegration of the world order, which has now become obvious to all power centers.

– he emphasized, adding that this, among other things, also comes with the establishment of economic and infrastructural relations.

According to Balázs Orbán, opposition to the fall of the blockade resulted in countries being classified according to terms such as democracy or autocracy.

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