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Balancing Subsidies and Protecting National Interest: The Challenges Facing Bulgarian Agriculture

“I want to say something fundamental about the development of Bulgarian agriculture. Our position has always been that a greater part of the subsidies should be redistributed to the production of fruit, vegetables, milk and meat. Too much both European and national funds are allocated for grain production. In the 1990s, Bulgarian fruit and vegetable production represented about 25-27% of total agricultural production. Currently, it is between 1 and 2%. We all know that we eat imported fruits and vegetables. There is an imbalance in the sector agriculture. And this imbalance must be solved with a state and consistent policy by redistributing funds more reasonably to the individual branches.”

This is what the chairman of the BSP, Cornelia Ninova, told the BNR.

And the beekeepers in our country are preparing a national protest

The decision of the government and the parliament to lift the veto on the import of wheat from Ukraine Ninova described as a “betrayal of the national interest”.

“It is noteworthy that Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, which are hawks in support of Ukraine – this time they defended their own national interests, their economy and agriculture. This problem has a European dimension. Because 4 times our Minister of Agriculture has stated a position against the lifting of the ban. And suddenly, for some unclear reasons, this attitude changes. It is unlikely that we will win from now on the support of this Eastern European bloc of countries, which we difficultly but correctly united then.” added the Socialist leader.

“The claim that this will reduce the prices of bread and bakery products is a lie. And today, the bread producers announced that they will not use Ukrainian grain in the Bulgarian production. In front of me, they shared the following: “We will not do it because we are afraid of contaminating our production, we have no guarantees for the purity of Ukrainian grain. It does not meet European requirements. Prices will not be reduced and there will be no social effect from this decision. Here is the health issue. I doubt that the control will be so serious that it will be able to fully establish whether imported wheat is not dangerous to health. Bulgarian grain producers are worried about dumping prices. Bulgarian production will remain in warehouses, losses will be calculated, and cheaper wheat will flood the market. Dumping is in the grain trade. Because not only bread is produced from it, but also fodder and others. We begin to doubt that it is simply a question of economic interests. We will ask questions, we will monitor which companies will import Ukrainian grain at low prices and whether they will resell it at higher prices simply to make some profits at the expense of the Bulgarian national interest and production”. Ninova was categorical about the risks after lifting the veto on the import of products from Ukraine.

The farmers condemned Denkov’s statement that they were terrorists

According to her, the protest is growing, and since yesterday it has been observed that the beekeepers have been included in it, who are justifiably angry.

“The importation of honey and bee products not only undercuts their price. It turns out, according to them, that Ukrainian honey is imported, repackaged as Bulgarian and sold as such. And this kills the international markets of Bulgarian honey. If they ask for a meeting with us – of course, we will go to them. Everything in this protest, and in principle, is politics. Because the decision of parliament and government – this is making politics. Yesterday Borisov said: “While I was prime minister, I gave 30 billion leva “. We ask if Borisov is not using the fair protests of the farmers to overthrow the government? The cardinal decision is to change this at the National Assembly – to return the veto and to seek a new union with Poland, Hungary, Slovakia. The agriculture sector is one of the most serious, which produces GDP and brings taxes into the country. EC sanctions should hardly worry us. As we can see, other countries will do it too. The strategic solution is a proper redistribution of subsidies to other sectors – fruits, vegetables, milk and meat. Restoration of irrigation systems, which cost about 100 million, to have irrigated agriculture. Agriculture is a sector that requires strategic thinking in order to have real and cheap food on the Bulgarian table.” Ninova added.

Denkov on grain producers: I do not negotiate with terrorists

“We are the only party that currently has an election platform, candidates for mayors and lists for municipal councilors. Do not belittle the role of BSP. We are fully ready to launch the campaign. The change that was expected to destroy the GERB and Borisov model did not take place after the parliamentary elections. Expectations failed because change and the status quo embraced each other and made this unprincipled assembly. I doubt that PP voters, who wanted GERB to be disbanded, were told to embrace Borisov. I also doubt that the voters of GERB, who for 3 months listened to how harmful, illiterate, incompetent and thieving PP are, agree that Borisov will give them power and sell GERB”. Ninova summed up.

“Our goal is to change the management model of Borisov and GERB in the municipalities in the last 15 years. He transferred the model at the national level to the municipal level. There are feudal mayors’ estates there. They keep people dependent with appointments and stuff. Our big goal is that this time the change will happen from below. Borisov’s desire for years to embrace the BSP in order to suffocate it – continues during the local elections, but it will not happen. I have seen what manipulations he does – behind the scenes, hoops from companies, keeping him in submission, not recognizing the institutions, destroying the opposition and the journalistic voice that is being raised. This is what we want to change. It’s hard, it costs us a lot, they beat us a lot, but we won’t give up”the BSP chairman added about the party’s priorities.

Farmers are preparing protests across the country

“As results, we expect more than last time. It would be very unfortunate if a party went for less or to keep the situation as it is. We have good candidates, very experienced mayors with several terms and young ones who are candidates for the first time. I hope people will appreciate that we are the only party that did not betray and lie to them and did not enter into any collusions and agreements. We are principled and consistent in our policies.” Cornelia Ninova said in conclusion.

Source: BSP Press Center

2023-09-17 11:59:02

#Ninova #Borisov #farmers #protests #overthrow #government

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