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Bakhmut .. Survival is “difficult” in a Ukrainian city whose population has shrunk dramatically

Bakhmut An important target of the Russian army in its slow progress in the Donetsk region.

• It is one of the areas in which Moscow announced its annexation, after the referendums in September, which Kiev and the West have described as farce.

• The Ukrainian army says the region is witnessing one of the fiercest fighting with Russian forces.

This was stated by the deputy mayor of the city, Oleksandr Marchenko"Reuters"That Russian forces try "By invading the city from multiple directions"The agency was unable to independently verify this description of what was happening on the battlefield.

From inside an empty government building, Marchenko said, as mortars roared from nearby: "With each passing day, surviving in this city becomes more and more difficult".

He added that more than 120 civilians have been killed in Bakhmut since the start of the Russian military offensive against Ukraine on 24 February.

He continued: "There are neighborhoods where we do not know the exact number of deaths because close fighting continues or because the inhabited areas are under temporary occupation (by Russian forces)".

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Marchenko said the Ukrainian forces "Grab the first line firmly"At the same time, he described the deteriorating humanitarian situation facing the city, whose population has grown from 80,000 before the war to 12,000 today.

The city has had no electricity, gas and running water for almost two months.

Marchenko said residents are venturing to purchase or obtain goods humanitarian aid or water, although the authorities urge them to leave.

He added that winter will be extremely difficult for the elderly, noting: "We are firm and we hope that the Ukrainian armed forces will be able to drive the enemy further away from the city".


What’s happening in the city?

Bakhmut An important target of the Russian army in its slow progress in the Donetsk region.

• It is one of the areas in which Moscow announced its annexation, after the referendums in September, which Kiev and the West have described as farce.

• The Ukrainian army says the region is witnessing one of the fiercest fighting with Russian forces.

The deputy mayor of the city, Oleksandr Marchenko, told Reuters Russian forces It is attempting to “break into the city from multiple directions,” and the agency has not been able to independently verify this description of what is happening on the battlefield.

“With each passing day, surviving in this city becomes more and more difficult,” Marchenko said from inside an empty government building, amidst the sound of nearby mortar fire.

He added that more than 120 civilians have been killed in Bakhmut since the start of the Russian military offensive against Ukraine on 24 February.

He continued: “There are neighborhoods where we do not know the exact number of deaths due to the continuous intense fighting, or because the inhabited areas are subject to temporary occupation (by Russian forces).”

Marchenko said Ukrainian forces “consistently held the front line”, but at the same time described the deteriorating humanitarian situation facing the city, whose population has dropped from 80,000 pre-war to 12,000 today.

The city has had no electricity, gas and running water for almost two months.

Marchenko said residents are venturing to purchase or obtain goods humanitarian aid or water, although the authorities urge them to leave.

He added that the winter will be extremely difficult for the elderly, stressing: “We are firm and we hope that the Ukrainian armed forces will be able to drive the enemy away from the city.”

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