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Baker’s Day: why it is celebrated today and how the event came about


He National Baker’s Day is commemorated each August 4th in Argentina, in memory of the founding of the Cosmopolitan Society for the Resistance and Placement of Bakery WorkersThis group was the first union in the country to bring together workers in this sector with the aim of achieving better working conditions, decent wages and recognition of their rights.

The ideology promoted by its creators is what would later lead bakers to name their pastries in different ways, always with a curious meaning that has a critical sense of society and different sectors.

The Cosmopolitan Society of Resistance and Placement of Bakery Workers was created on August 4 by two Italians with anarchist ideology; it served as the first union group in the sector.

Towards the end of the 19th century, the bakery sector had long working hours, exceeding 10 hours a day. Wages were low and conditions were very exhausting, which generated great discontent among workers. Thus, Hector Mattei, an Italian anarchist, decided to organize the bakers to create the first union in the country. Together with Henry Malatestaanother Italian and theorist of modern anarchism, created the August 4, 1887 the Cosmopolitan Society for the Resistance and Placement of Bakery Workers.

Over the years, the duo and their group staged various strikes in search of recognition of their rights and better working conditions. Their principles were based on solidarity and resistance, through direct action and work stoppages to demand their needs. From 1894 to 1930, this society published The baker worker, a newspaper that was under the direction and editing of Mattei.

Currently, the Cosmopolitan Society for the Resistance and Placement of Bakery Workers is not in operation. However, since 1957, in a project promoted by the Congress of the Nationis remembered in the Baker’s Day.

Baker’s Day is celebrated every August 4th throughout the country

Today there are many bakers’ unions in different towns and parts of the country. Also, the Argentine Federation Union of Bakeries and Related Personnel (Fauppa) and the Argentine Federation of the Bread and Related Industries (Faipa), are the entities recognized by the Government of the Nation to agree on salary and employment improvements in this sector.

Because invoices have such particular names? These are not a coincidence, but are small “cannons” loaded with meanings, mockery and tributes which aim to demonstrate the original ideology of the union. This is why bakers decided to name some of their products after elements or aspects associated with the police, the church and the army.

The most notable ones are:

The name of the bills is not a coincidence: it is a mockery of police, religious and social sectors.

These names are a mockery of these sectors and over the years, they have been included by bakeries throughout the country, where it is now possible to obtain any of these products.

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