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Bajaja tomatoes also grow in containers

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Of: Jasmin Pospiech

Tomatoes are among the most popular vegetables. Do you already know the Bajaja variety? This is now trendy and can be easily grown in a bucket.

Munich – In the bed, on the balcony and/or in a pot: tomatoes can be found in almost every domestic greenery in this country. After all, the red fruit vegetable is versatile, goes well with many dishes and can also be processed into sauces. However, if you only have little space or even a balcony, you don’t have to do without it either. Tomatoes can also be planted here in raised beds or pots.

Tomato varieties for the balcony: The Bajaja tomato grows best in the bucket

Who also wants to have fast and a lot of yield*, should opt for the Bajaja tomato. The cocktail tomato variety with overhanging shoots is considered to be fast-growing. After all, a plant can form between 500 and 750 fruits. These aren’t just nice red, round, but taste sweet*.

Anyone who wants to snack on tomatoes from the balcony soon should take a closer look at the Bajaja tomato. (Iconic image) © ChiccoDodiFC/Imago

Since the plant is only about 50 centimeters high, it is ideal for growing in hanging baskets, tubs or window boxes. The YouTuber prefers to grow the Bajaja tomato in pots, as shown in the video. This is how it works:

  • First she puts coffee filters in the pots so that the soil she fills the pots with doesn’t go through.
  • Next she puts potting soil in the pots* and waters it so that it is damp but not wet. This prevents the soil from collapsing when she then makes a hole in the middle and puts the plants she has grown in it.
  • Be careful not to fill the pot to the brim with soil. Instead, only fill it three quarters full. In this way, the garden YouTuber ensures that there is always enough soil and space for the roots. With the result that the plants can grow stronger.
  • Then she presses the moist earth in the middle a little. Now she gives pre-grown tomato plants* including earth balls inside. However, you can also use tomato seeds directly.

You can find even more exciting garden topics in the free newsletter from 24garten.de, which you can subscribe to right here*.

Tomato varieties for the balcony: This is how the Bajaja tomato likes it best

Also, be careful, advises the expert Place tomato plants in a sunny spot*. Although the Bajaja tomato is considered to be very robust and resilient, it likes it toasty warm. If you die Sow seeds in March or April* want, you have to be a little more patient. Finally, it may take a little longer for the plants to emerge. *24garten.de is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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