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Bagneux: a flash mob on Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” against pension reform

A few seconds after the signal given in the megaphone, the dozens of teachers or territorial agents gathered this Friday morning on Place Dampierre, in Bagneux, get down.

Lying for a few moments for this “die-in” against the pension reform, the bodies slowly rise after the first notes of “Thriller” by Michael Jackson for a choreography similar to the clip of the King of Pop.

“We try to play with the images because they have as much or even more impact than the world in manifestation,” explains Sébastien, director of the establishment. We were going on a dead town operation so we thought of taking inspiration from the Michael Jackson music video. We really wanted to do a local action before going in the Parisian procession. “

“It’s a crucial day”

“The idea is to make a dead city because this reform breaks our retirement system, our social system, exclaims Léa, teacher at the Henri-Wallon school in the megaphone. Today we can see what a city looks like without teachers, without teachers, without territorial agents… ”

Bérangère, professor at Paul-Bert College in Malakoff, is on her seventh day of mobilization. “I was present at the wishes of the deputy Rossi, during the operation standing school and also aging masks to show children the face we will have when we retire, she recalls. I am mobilizing because I do not want to be an accomplice of this machine… ”

For Sébastien, this day of mobilization is of capital importance. “It’s a crucial day because the project is presented to the Council of Ministers today,” explains this teacher. We hope that it will be the convergence with all the trades. “

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