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BAG reports 69 new infections on Saturday

In Switzerland and Liechtenstein, 69 new infections with the corona virus were reported within one day. So far, there have been 31’555 laboratory-confirmed Covid-19 cases, as the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) announced on Saturday.

58 new infections were reported on Friday, 52 on Thursday and 44 on Wednesday. The number of new infections was lower at the beginning of the week, at 22 on Tuesday and 18 on Monday.

To date, 1,682 people in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein have died who had tested positive for Covid-19. The Federal Office relates to the reports that the laboratories and doctors had sent up to Saturday morning as part of the reporting obligation.

The number of tests carried out on Sars-CoV-2, the causative agent of Covid-19, has so far totaled 555,315. The result was positive in 6.8 percent of these tests.

In a tweet on Saturday, BAG director Pascal Strupler stated that the number of newly infected people has increased again in the past few days. That is worrying. Hygiene and distance despite relaxing the measures are urgent. Everything else is a free pass for the virus.

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