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Baerbock in Liverpool – G7 Foreign Ministers begin deliberations

G7 meeting

Liverpool (AP) – The foreign ministers of the leading western economic powers have started their talks in Liverpool.

The new Green Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock was officially welcomed by host Liz Truss at the Museum of Liverpool on Saturday morning before she met her other G7 counterparts. In addition to Great Britain and Germany, this also includes the USA, France, Canada, Japan and Italy. The first working session should deal with current geopolitical challenges such as dealing with Russia, China and Iran.

At the weekend meeting, Baerbock wanted to present the priorities of the German G7 presidency for the coming year, which should also include the fight against the climate crisis. The evening before, the Green politician had already held bilateral talks with Truss and her US counterpart Antony Blinken.

The G7 foreign ministers’ meeting, scheduled for Sunday, is the second under the British Presidency this year – but the first for Baerbock and also for the British host Truss, who has only been in office since a cabinet reshuffle a few months ago. At the turn of the year, Great Britain is handing over the G7 chairmanship to Germany.

At the turn of the year, Germany takes over from Great Britain as chair of the confederation, which includes France and the USA, Italy, Japan and Canada. The G7 foreign ministers’ meeting, scheduled for Sunday, is the second under the British Presidency this year – but the first for Baerbock and also for the British host Liz Truss, who has only been in office since a cabinet reshuffle a few months ago.

Meeting despite Omikron

Despite the spread of the worrying omicron variant of the coronavirus, the meeting will take place in person in England. Only the representatives of some Asian countries, who are invited as guests for Sunday, wanted to switch to digital.

For Baerbock, the G7 meeting, at which she also wanted to hold several bilateral talks, is another of many inaugural visits these days. The Green politician first met US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and then the host, Liz Truss. Initially, nothing was known about the content.

After her stops in Paris, Brussels and Warsaw, the minister will travel to Brussels again on Sunday and meet there with EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen.

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