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Baerbock criticizes the riots on May 1st in Berlin

The Chancellor candidate of the Greens, Annalena Baerbock, sharply criticized the riots on May 1st. She received support from representatives of the CDU and the SPD.

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Green leader and candidate for Chancellor Annalena Baerbock has sharply criticized the violent clashes during demonstrations in Berlin on May 1st. “Setting up barricades and violently attacking police officers is criminal and in no way acceptable,” Baerbock told the “Bild” newspaper (Monday). Anyone who does something like this is acting “against the democratic consensus and weakens the cause of those peaceful rallies that also took place on May 1st.”

On Saturday, after largely peaceful demonstrations, violent clashes broke out in Berlin in the evening. Stones and bottles were thrown against the emergency services. Rioters dragged dumpsters and pallets onto the street and set them on fire, the police sometimes used pepper spray. According to the interior administration, at least 93 police officers were injured. There were numerous arrests.

SPD parliamentary group vice Wiese: “Full hardship of the law”

The deputy Union parliamentary group leader Thorsten Frei (CDU) warned against the state’s backsliding with a view to the riots. “The police must act with all consistency against this violence, if we do not want to suffer a serious loss of confidence in the state’s ability to assert itself,” said Frei der “Welt” (Monday). The SPD parliamentary deputy in the Bundestag, Dirk Wiese, also called for the “full severity of the law” against those who did not adhere to the conditions during demonstrations or who were conspicuous through violence and rioting. It “doesn’t matter whether on so-called lateral thinker demos or on May 1st in Berlin.”

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