Home » today » News » Baden-Württemberg State Parliament – June floods caused over 4.1 billion euros in damage

Baden-Württemberg State Parliament – June floods caused over 4.1 billion euros in damage

The devastating flood disaster in southern Germany in June caused damage of more than 4.1 billion euros. “Almost 1.8 billion of the uninsured losses are in Bavaria alone,” said Bavaria’s Finance Minister Albert Füracker (CSU) when asked by the German Press Agency in Munich. According to preliminary estimates from the insurance industry, around two billion euros of the damage was insured. The remaining approximately 300 million euros are attributable to damage in the neighboring country. From May 30th to June 11th there were massive floods in many places in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg as a result of heavy rain events.

“The solidarity of the federal government is also urgently needed in comparison to other dramatic flood events: While the 2013 flood caused around eight billion euros in damage in eleven federal states, in 2024 there have already been over 4 billion euros in just two federal states,” emphasized Füracker. Since the estimated 4.1 billion euros reflects the level of damage recorded up to mid-August, the final total is likely to be significantly higher.

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