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Baden Württemberg State Parliament – Collective bargaining conflict at municipal clinics escalates

In the wage negotiations for doctors at municipal hospitals, the Marburger Bund union is calling for a warning strike in Baden-Württemberg this Monday. The all-day strike is intended to bring movement into the negotiations, as the regional association of the Marburger Bund in Stuttgart announced. According to the union, around 80 hospitals and around 10,000 doctors in Baden-Württemberg have been called to the warning strike.

State head Sylvia Ottmüller said that the Association of Municipal Employers’ Associations (VKA) showed no real willingness to negotiate – neither on the regulations for shift work nor on the necessary financial improvements. “Instead, doctors are being encouraged to forego salary increases because otherwise they would worsen the economic situation of the hospitals.” A central strike rally is to take place in Frankfurt am Main.

Among other things, the union is demanding 8.5 percent more pay per year and a reform of the regulations on shift work. The collective bargaining round affects around 60,000 doctors at municipal hospitals nationwide. Two rounds of negotiations have so far been inconclusive. The warning strike comes shortly before the next round of negotiations on Tuesday.

According to the information, the collective agreement applies to municipal hospitals with the exception of the Vivantes clinics in Berlin and clinics with in-house collective agreements. According to the union, emergency services will be agreed with the clinics on site during the strike period.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240913-930-231364/1

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