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Baden-Württemberg: “Speed ​​camera marathon” in BW: Police increase speed checks

Status: 05.08.2024 13:31

There are increased speed checks in Baden-Württemberg this week. This is intended to draw attention to the dangers of driving too fast.

Drivers in Baden-Württemberg can expect increased speed checks this week. The reason for this is a Europe-wide check week in which the police in the state are also taking part until Sunday. Compliance with the maximum permitted speed will be monitored more closely with mobile and stationary checks throughout the state, announced a spokesperson for the Interior Ministry.

Raise awareness of the dangers of driving too fast

Where exactly more intensive controls will be carried out was not disclosed. The individual police departments are responsible for selecting the control points and the focus areas, it was said. The control week is an important building block in the fight against The number one cause of fatal traffic accidentsthe spokesman continued. Last year alone, 152 people lost their lives as a result. The aim is to raise awareness of the dangers of driving too fast and to reduce speed levels sustainably in order to prevent serious accidents.

The campaign is the result of a European traffic police network that has coordinated this. In Germany, several federal states are taking part, according to the ADAC, all except Bavaria, Bremen and Saarland.

Speed ​​camera week in April: More than 400,000 checks

In April, also a Europe-wide speed camera week On the main day, the inspectors in Baden-Württemberg caught 13,659 vehicles – 430 more than the previous year. More than 400,000 vehicles were checked at that time, 113 drivers were banned from driving due to the inspection and had to leave their car temporarily.

Broadcast on Mon., 5.8.2024 5:00 a.m., The Morning Show, SWR3

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