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Baden-Württemberg: New Corona rules from Monday – All changes at a glance

What is currently allowed to open in Baden-Württemberg? A new corona regulation will apply in the country from March 22nd. All current Corona measures, do’s and don’ts at a glance.

After months of lockdown, the joy of Merkel’s opening plan was great. Hairdressers, tattoo parlors, nail salons and other body-hugging service providers, including retail in many places, were allowed to reopen. But the joy did not last long. Because shortly after the generous openings, the incidence and new infections in Baden-Württemberg * skyrocketed again.

This fact prompted Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) to revise and tighten the current Corona regulation *, such as echo24.de* already reported. All changes to the corona measures apply from Monday, March 22nd. Whether the rules will stay that way or new measures will be decided will be decided at the federal-state meeting *, also on Monday.

New corona regulation in Baden-Württemberg: Kretschmann tightened current corona measure

Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) has announced a tightening of the corona requirements due to the increasing number of infections. “You have to expect that things will be taken back and tightened,” said the Green politician on Friday in Stuttgart. From Monday, March 22nd, some corona easing but also tightening will come into force in Baden-Württemberg. Changes to the Corona Regulation at a glance:

Mask requirement:

Expansion of the extended mask requirement (medical mask or FFP2 / KN95 / N95 mask) to primary and secondary schools for pupils and teachers. MODIFICATION: There is no exception for children from 6 to 14 years of age when wearing a mask. Instead of a so-called everyday mask, children now also have to wear a medical or FFP2 / KN95 / N95 mask. In plain language: wearing a fabric mask is no longer permitted. Medical masks or FFP2 masks are mandatory from Monday, March 22nd. This change does not relate exclusively to the school, but also applies, among other things, to public transport, shopping, in closed rooms that are intended for the public or for the public.

Mask requirement for staff in daycare centers, elementary school support classes, after-school care centers, school kindergartens – except in exclusive contact with the children. The institutions can decide on further regulations independently.

At the secondary schools in the 5th and 6th grades as well as in the final grades there is already a mask requirement in class. Again, everyday masks will no longer be sufficient from Monday.

Education and supervision:

Daycare centers are open to regular operation under pandemic conditions. Classroom teaching takes place in primary schools. However, attendance is still suspended.

MODIFICATION: Admission of alternating lessons to maintain the distance requirement for grades 5 and 6 as well as at all grades of the special education and counseling centers (SBBZ) with the special needs mental development, physical and motor development as well as SBBZ with other special needs with these courses.

Tutoring can take place in groups of up to five students in attendance. The extended mask requirement also applies here.

Music, art and youth art schools are allowed to offer lessons within the framework of the applicable contact restrictions. In an urban or rural district with a 7-day incidence of over 100 on three consecutive days, lessons may only take place online (emergency brake).

Ballet and dance schools close to the public. Low-contact training with a maximum of five people from no more than two households is permitted. The children of the two households up to and including 14 years of age are not included. Couples who do not live together are considered one household.

Bad news for all community colleges. Because according to the new Corona regulation, they have to close again. Visiting libraries and archives is still allowed, but with prior booking of an appointment and documentation of the contact details.

Corona regulation from March 22nd: Drive-in cinemas are allowed to open – exit restrictions in BaWü with an incidence of 100

In addition, the head of government of Baden-Württemberg assumes that it will not be the case that urban and rural districts can independently decide on openings depending on the incidence. In addition, the residents of hotspot regions would have to take tough measures such as exit restrictions. From Monday, March 22nd, the new Corona Ordinance stipulates that the city and rural districts must implement a nightly exit restriction from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. by means of a general decree. This comes into force when the 7-day incidence of 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants is exceeded for seven days in a row with a diffuse infection and further regional measures have not led to a decrease.

Culture and leisure facilities also remain closed. These include: studios, excursion boats, camping and mobile home sites, discos and clubs, amusement parks and much more.

Culture and leisure activities

In addition to outdoor playgrounds and betting shops (“Click & Collect” and “Click & Meet”), galleries, museums and memorials may remain open. MODIFICATION: From March 22nd, drive-in cinemas are allowed to reopen. Car concerts and car theaters can also take place again.

In addition, there is a relaxation in physiotherapy and occupational therapy, speech therapy and podiatry as well as medical foot care. From Monday, March 22nd, a quick test will no longer be required in these areas, even if a mask cannot be worn during treatment. *echo24.de is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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