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Baden-Württemberg: Causes of death in BW: More people die from Corona than from flu

Status: 15.08.2024 17:55

Many people in Baden-Württemberg are still dying from Covid-19. The number of deaths far exceeds the number of flu deaths.

Does a corona infection end more often in death than flu? At least that is what figures from the State Statistical Office in Fellbach (Rems-Murr district) suggest: In 2023, a total of 186 people died of flu in Baden-Württemberg. At the same time, 3,343 deaths were recorded due to corona.

Causes of death in BW: Corona in 10th place

It is striking that even in the summer, the coronavirus led to a three-digit number of deaths in the country. From June to August 2023, 128 people died of Covid-19, while there were only 5 deaths from flu in the same period. But the trend continued in the winter months as well.

In addition, 2023 was the first year since the start of the pandemic in which the majority of the population was immunized and government protective measures were largely no longer in place. The last measure was the abolition of the mask requirement in doctor’s offices, clinics and nursing homes in April.

Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death in BW

Compared to other causes of death, Corona was the tenth most common cause of death last year. Most people died as a result of cardiovascular disease (41,012). A good third of the total 120,208 deaths in the country can be attributed to this. 5,648 people died of high blood pressure and 2,222 of breast cancer.

Overall, the number of people who have died from a corona infection has decreased significantly. Around 6,800 corona deaths were recorded in 2022, according to the State Statistical Office.

Data based on death certificates

The State Statistical Office’s statistics on causes of death are based on the information from the death certificates that doctors prepare after autopsies. Evidence of communicable diseases is also documented there, according to the BW Ministry of Health.

According to the ministry, the frequency of testing for a particular infection can have an impact on the statistics. According to a spokeswoman, however, this influence is decreasing because respiratory infections are now being tested for multiple pathogens. The ministry also comes to the conclusion that overall more people die from Covid-19 than from influenza.

The Baden-Württemberg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians also considers the corona virus to be more dangerous than the flu virus. However, it must always be clarified in each individual case what contribution the infection has made to a person’s death, said a spokesperson.

Since Monday An adapted corona vaccine is availableDemand, however, has so far been limited.

More on deaths in BW

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