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Bad weather, the Medicane cyclone hits eastern Sicily. Southern Calabria at risk

It was a rainy night spent in Eastern Sicily with sustained winds due to the ‘Medicane’ called Apollo. Strong thunderstorms have been registered and continue to fall especially in the Syracusano and Ragusa areas. Rain also in Catania which was less affected at the moment. The situation is defined as ‘evolving’, but at the moment no important criticality is reported and no damage has been reported to people or things by the Sicilian Civil Protection Operations Room which is open in San Giovanni la Punta, in the Catanese area, and continues to monitor the situation.

The only one flooding currently reported is that of the Priolo Gargallo roadway which led to the closure of traffic along the state road 114 near the Cava Sorciaro exit. On the spot present staff of Anas, Traffic Police and volunteers who are working with the dewatering pump. Technicians and volunteers, in collaboration with the forces deployed also by the Municipalities, law enforcement agencies, firefighters, soldiers and associations continue to constantly monitor the territories to speed up interventions if necessary.

Stormy winds over 100 km / h, storms, but mostly torrential rains that they will also extend to southern Calabria: the dangerous anticyclone that struck Sicily two days ago and which yesterday granted a truce is approaching the Region again, risking to transform itself in the early hours of today into an authentic “medicane” (Mediterranean hurricane, so called because it recalls the “monsters” that form on the oceans).

This was announced by Andrea Garbinato, meteorologist of iLMeteo.it, underlining «that the flood risk for many provinces of the island (especially Ragusa, Syracuse and Catania) remains high. The rest of Italy will enjoy high pressure protection in good weather. The cyclone should move away from Italy on Saturday still with residual rains on Sicily and Ionian Calabria, but running out from the afternoon ».

But if one vortex leaves, another is ready to arrive, this time from the North Atlantic. From Sunday (Halloween day) an intense disturbance will reach the North with first rains on the western regions and on Sardinia (very strong here). But it will be on the day of the feast of All Saints that the disturbed front will sink on Italy, dispensing heavy rains on almost all regions. Thus will begin a very turbulent atmospheric phase for our country that will last at least until 6 November.

In detail Thursday 28 October.
In the north: good weather prevailing. Middle: intense bad weather in Sardinia, sunny elsewhere. in the south: some rain in Sicily, clouds over Reggio, the sun prevailing elsewhere.

Friday 29.
In the north: local fog in the Northwest, but the sun prevails. Middle: unstable in northeastern Sardinia, sunnier elsewhere. in the south: torrential rains in central-eastern and southern Sicily, widespread rains in southern Calabria, drier elsewhere.

Saturday 30.
In the North: worsens in the Northwest with rains. Middle: very cloudy, but dry. In the south: still rains on Sicily and Calabria, but running out during the afternoon. Sunday with intense bad weather in Sardinia and rains in the Northwest and the Center-South, Monday Italy underwater.

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