Home » today » News » Bad weather Piedmont and Liguria, flood in Ventimiglia in the night: the Roya river submerges the city [FOTO e VIDEO]

Bad weather Piedmont and Liguria, flood in Ventimiglia in the night: the Roya river submerges the city [FOTO e VIDEO]

The Roya River broke the banks and is flooded a Ventimiglia, causing a disastrous flood due to torrential rains that are hitting the mountain area between Piedmont e Liguria, where they have already fallen over 550mm of rain in the last 24 hours, while on the coast a strong sirocco wind blows and we have +22°C in the middle of the night along the coasts of all Liguria. TO Ventimiglia a bus got stuck in via Cavour with water up to the windows. Many damage to flooded premises: an event that is not remembered in living memory. The fury of the river also destroyed and swept away the Squarciafichi walkway, one of the symbols of the city. It is a pedestrian passage that connects the long Roja from the height of the Tommaso Reggio public gardens to via Trossarelli.

Flood in Ventimiglia, cars dragged away by the flooded Roya river [VIDEO]

Bad weather, flood in Ventimiglia: the bus trapped by the water in the center [VIDEO]

To cause the overflow are the copious rains that fell during the day val Roya, battered by Bad weather especially on the French side, where the collapse of the road in the area of Vievola, on the RD6204 (this is the name of the state road 20, when it crosses the French section); a landslide near Saint Dalmas de Tende, which resulted in the closure of the road for safety reasons and, as we learn in the evening, from the parts of Tent a Romanesque bridge on the main road between the village and Saint Dalmas also collapsed and the nearby town of Tenda is isolated. Critical situation as well in Arroscia valley, on the border with Piedmont. The firefighters rescued five people who, due to bad weather between Italy and France, were trapped in the Tunnel of the Tent. The provincial command of the firefighters of Cuneo made it known to ANSA. These are four French firefighters and an Italian margaro, whom the firemen freed with a bulldozer and are now accompanying a Limonetto, at the cantonal house of Anas, where they will spend the night. In the area it continues to rain heavily and the work of the firefighters continues. The ski resort of Piedmont lemon and in Val Vermegnana there were landslides and floods. Many people were stuck between two landslides in Vievola and under the Tenda tunnel, where victims are not excluded. TO Garessio it flooded the Tanaro and all the bridges were closed.

Meanwhile, the coast has intensified storm that from the afternoon scourges the coasts of all Liguria. Waves over 4 meters have created damage in many places from west to east and in particular in gulf of Tigullio, where the fear of 2018 returned, when a storm destroyed the port of Rapallo, killing luxury yachts, caused serious damage to the port of Santa Margherita and caused several sections of the road to Portofino to collapse. In the last hours the storm has invaded the streets of Santa Margherita and damaged the coast of San Michele di Pagana in Rapallo. The mayor of Portofino has closed the road because the waves have reached the roadway. Damage also in Genoa, where the gusts of wind up to 100 km / h they caused many trees to fall, creating circulation difficulties.

Returning to Piedmont, also in Verbano-Cusio-Ossola the rain fell incessantly for hours: the Gravellona area was completely flooded, where the Stronetta stream overflowed: roads and warehouses were flooded, including that of civil protection. Situation identical to Mergozzo, where the streets were completely flooded. Provincial road closed in Vallestrona for two landslides. The area of ​​the Cusio and of Lower Ossola. Difficult situation even in Biellese, where over 10 hours of rest. The picture in Valle Cervo is particularly critical: the valley road, the provincial road 100, was closed starting from Sagliano due to a series of landslides and landslides and the valley can only be reached from Trivero and Bielmonte. A landslide broke through the wall of the Pellegrini wing of Sanctuary of San Giovanni di Andorno. Many residents in homes near the bank of the Cervo stream have abandoned their homes. Also in Casapinta two hamlets are isolated due to landslides. Numerous calls to the Fire Brigade switchboard. In Valsesia the river Sesia grew by 5 meters in a few hours. A few minutes after 10pm, the mayor of Borgosesia, Paolo Tiramani has ordered the closure of all the bridges in the city. The problem risks having repercussions on the Vercelli area, where the river is further swollen by the confluence of Sessera and the minor canals. ARPA, the Regional Environmental Protection Agency, confirmed the orange Bad Weather alert until late Saturday morning because a marked intensification of precipitation is expected, possibly stormy, in the northern and northwestern sector.

Bad weather, disaster in France on the border with Italy: flooded rivers due to torrential rains, many missing in the Maritime Alps [FOTO]

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