Home » today » News » Bad weather, orange alert and schools closed in Liguria. «And in Piedmont today will be the most critical day» – Turin News

Bad weather, orange alert and schools closed in Liguria. «And in Piedmont today will be the most critical day» – Turin News

We look with concern at the sky today in northern Italy. In fact, the alarm over the bad weather which has hit particularly hard since yesterday Liguria but which today should also hit the Piedmontespecially the southernmost areas.

In Liguria it was taken this morning the orange alertafter the heavy rains which already yesterday caused damage and inconvenience especially in the Savona area. It was ordered as a precaution the closure of schools and universities in a very long list of municipalities in the provinces of Genoa, Savona and La Spezia.

Yesterday Landslides and mudslides have been recorded in the Savona areaso much so that some families were displaced Yesterday three families were displaced as a precaution after the collapse of a wall in the Via Aurelia area, in Ligurian final. And always the Aurelia is closed for another landslide between Albissola Marina and Celle Ligure. Flooding in the lower floors and cellars almost everywhere: among the most affected areas Borghetto Santo Spirito, Ceriale and Carcare. According to civil protection data, 200 mm of rain fell in 18 hours.

And if yesterday the biggest problems were in the west, today it seems that the alarm will be above all in the east: a Genova during the night a retaining wall collapsed in the San Fruttuoso district. An intense storm arrived from the sea this morning and hit the coast in the area of Sestri Levante, in particular between Framura and Bonassola.

And if Liguria cries, Piedmont doesn’t laugh. In our region yesterday the ARPA issued a bulletin of yellow alert and we are looking with concern above all at what could happen in the border areas with Liguria. Yesterday in the Turin area the closure of the Argentera Valley was already ordered due to the risk of landslides:

However, the worst is yet to come. “Today – explains the meteorologist of Tg3 Piemonte, Andrea Vuolo – will be the most critical day from a meteorological point of view for our region, with the main phase of the bad weather expected in particular between today’s evening and the early hours of Fridaywith widespread and heavy rainfall, locally also very strong. Yesterday, accumulations of up to over 100 millimeters were recorded on the ridges of the Maritime and Ligurian Alps, on the foothills of the Turin area and in the upper Novara area. Considering the situation on the ground already particularly compromised in various areas of Piedmont after the abundant rainfall of the last month and a half, combined with the new heavy rains arriving, there is the possibility for hydrogeological and sometimes hydraulic criticalities especially in the lower Alessandria area which will potentially also have to deal with the floods (upstream, on the Ligurian side) of streams and rivers of the secondary hydrographic network. Landslides and flooding they will also be probable in the medium-low mountain sectors and in the piedmont areas included between Canavese and VCO, at times also on the Pinerolese and Saluzzese valleys and the Marittime and Liguri ridges».

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