Home » today » Health » Bad weather, inconvenience in various areas of Trentino. Climbing hall flooded

Bad weather, inconvenience in various areas of Trentino. Climbing hall flooded

TRENTO. The heavy rain of the weekend brought to numerous interventions throughout the territory by the fire fighters per landslides, brake e flooding.

Fortunately there were no serious events but various inconveniences starting from the difficulties that were encountered yesterday in Bondone where provincial road 85 between Viote and Lagolo was temporarily closed due to a landslide. This problem was solved in a short time.

Firefighters were also engaged in Campitello di Fassa where the heavy rain caused the flooding of the Adel climbing hall. In this case, the request for intervention arrived on Saturday.

The changing rooms were mainly flooded. A volunteer fire brigade team was immediately brought to the site who managed to secure the structure and solve the situation through the use of some suction pumps.

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