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Bad weather alert in Lombardy, controls activated for Seveso and Lambro | The weather

The Natural Hazards Monitoring Functional Center of the Lombardy Region has issued an orange (moderate) criticality warning for hydrogeological risk starting at 6 am this morning for the Milanese area and for most of Lombardy. Palazzo Marino makes it known. In particular, there is a fear of the arrival of a water bomb in Milan as happened a few weeks ago: a very violent disturbance that caused flooding, damage and inconvenience. The Municipality of Milan has consequently activated the Municipal Operational Center (Coc) for monitoring the hydrometric levels of the Seveso and Lambro rivers and the local Police, Civil Protection and MM water services teams will be alerted in order – reads the note – to graduate the activation of the emergency plan.

23 August 2020 | 12:09


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