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bad news for Alfonso Signorini, very painful consequences are on the way

Bitter news for the conductor Alfonso Signorini and for the Big Brother Vip: after last night it risks a resounding failure

The disappointment of Alfonso Signorini (screenshot Mediaset Infinity)

This morning Alfonso Signorini was faced with an unexpected result regarding the you listen of the last episode aired on Big Brother Vip. A net success for the well-known reality show that surpassed the direct competition of Rai 1 which instead has chosen to bet on Flavio Insinna with a specialInheritance completely dedicated to Sanremo Festival.

A result that will inevitably be welcomed with joy by the network, which thus risks running into disappointment. The broadcast of the second weekly appointment with the reality in fact it will change very soon and given the ratings yesterday, it risks turning into a huge mistake.

Alfonso Signorini, bittersweet victory: the future is a real unknown

The study of the GF Vip (screenshot Mediaset Infinity)

The data released this morning and relating to yesterday evening speak clearly: the GF VIP reached 3,448,000 spectators equal to 21.8% share. Overwhelming victory over theLegacy of Insinna which instead totaled only the 15.6% share equal to 3,149,000 spectators. A result that at first sight undoubtedly represents a success for the host and for the authors who have created an exciting episode full of twists.

However, according to the forecasts of viewers, this Friday result is likely to no longer occur due to a totally wrong choice of the network. In fact, next week the reality will not be broadcast on Friday to avoid confrontation with Sanremo, after which it will air Thursday. In doing so, however, it will compete with Doc – In your hands, the champion event series of plays on Rai 1.

The warning then came from the public itself through social media: The damage that Piersilvio does to put the GF Vip on Thursdays against the doc right now that there are excellent ratings“,” The tremendous damage they will do by moving it on a Thursday “,”Does it really make sense, almost a month after the end of the program, to change the location from Friday to Thursday?“,“ Do you listen boom? It had practically no competition and does not even reach 3.5 million. I want to see Thursday against DOC on rai 1. Flop.

A not very positive prospect for the reality which risks paying the disastrous consequences of the incomprehensible choices of the network. This is a situation to be assessed carefully and in a short time in order to be able to run for cover if it really needs to be.

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