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Bad Dürrheim: Corona expert speaks plainly about the dangers of the new virus

At the supermarket checkout, on the bus, at home during dinner… the virus is omnipresent. Peter Hannemann means the current variant of the corona pathogen. The pulmonologist is chief physician at the Espan Clinic in Bad Dürrheim. “You can really get infected anywhere at the moment,” he is quoted as saying in a press release from the clinic.

Hannemann has treated more than 3,000 patients since the beginning of the pandemic, according to the statement. According to him, the current virus variant is “extremely contagious” after now having 40 mutations.

The new virus is fast

In contrast to the original virus from Wuhan, it penetrates human cells much more quickly – in just 15 minutes.

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“The expert continues to recommend wearing masks, especially in closed rooms without sufficient distance, although the FFP2 masks have been proven to offer slightly better protection than surgical masks, which are generally looser and therefore more permeable,” says the Espan Clinic.

Mask, vaccination book and corona test: The picture from November 2023 is now relevant again because the new corona variant is currently infecting...

Mask, vaccination book and corona test: The picture from November 2023 is now relevant again, because the new corona variant is infecting many residents of the region again. It is highly contagious – but still causes less fear. | Image: Cornelia Putschbach

The current Corona variant is already so widespread that you can get infected practically anywhere, said Hannemann.

Numbers do not reflect the danger

He is certain: Although the official figures from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) no longer provide an accurate picture since there is no longer any obligation to report, the risk of infection is still high. “Many sick people wonder where they got infected. The answer is simple: almost everywhere.”

There is no longer a reporting requirement, but corona tests still make sense.

There is no longer a reporting requirement, but corona tests still make sense. | Image: Jens Kalaene, dpa

According to Hannemann, Corona will be with us in the long term – similar to the flu. “Because the virus has not been eradicated by vaccinations, it will continue to impact our everyday lives for at least a decade.”

Mostly harmless symptoms

However, there is also good news: “The virus only rarely causes severe cases,” says the pulmonologist. “The symptoms are usually harmless, often nothing more than a sore throat or fever.”

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The situation in the intensive care units, which were overloaded in the first years of the pandemic due to countless cases of pneumonia, has eased significantly. “Corona has lost its terror,” the doctor reassures.

Vaccination helps even if it doesn’t help

Despite the mild course, the general vaccination recommendation still applies, especially for older people and high-risk patients. “The vaccination only provides limited protection against infection, but it usually prevents a serious course,” the chief physician at the Espan Clinic is quoted as saying.

Vaccination with the Corona protective serum (symbolic image).

Vaccination with the Corona protective serum (symbolic image). | Image: Markus Scholz, dpa

However, he also says: “The protection drops from 90 to around 60 percent after two to three months and then continues to decrease. I can understand that some people are skeptical about booster vaccinations.”

Bad start to autumn

According to the press release, Hannemann has mixed feelings about the coming winter. While infections usually fell in the summer, the number of illnesses hardly fell in 2024. “I expect the situation to deteriorate slightly in the fall and winter, but hopefully not dramatically.”

How are long-term patients doing?

And what about those patients who have never been able to fully overcome their Covid disease but are still suffering from symptoms, some of which are serious?

The Espan Clinic in Bad Dürrheim.

The Espan Clinic in Bad Dürrheim. | Image: Hans-Jürgen Götz

According to its own information, the Espan Clinic has specialized in the treatment of Long Covid patients. Hannemann and his team have therefore developed a five-pillar concept. This is intended to help patients relieve long-term symptoms.

An important finding is that therapy requires patience. Recovery often takes months and continually tests the trust and endurance of those affected.

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Unusual symptoms

The complaints of those affected by Long Covid are diverse. More than 200 different symptoms are now known, but three complexes dominate: severe exhaustion, shortness of breath during exertion and cognitive disorders such as forgetfulness.

“Some patients also suffer from unusual symptoms such as hair loss or sensitivity to noise,” Hannemann is quoted as saying. He advises all people who suspect that they are suffering from Long Covid to speak to a doctor – a doctor who actually has experience in treating such patients.

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