It should be noted that prior checking is the most effective; since given the type of damage it generates in plants, the control of bacteria once it has generated vascular necrosis; decay and death of part or all of the plant; would not be reversible The preventive control measures that must be established as a comprehensive control plan are:
– Monitoring and early diagnosis: to which specific responsibilities and training of agricultural personnel should be attributed; so that it can detect symptoms, take a census and isolate affected plants or areas.
– It is necessary to establish it as a norm; disinfection of utensils; For this purpose, Potassium Permanganate at 25 gr / l or Sodium or Potassium Hypochlorite at 2% and Chlorine Dioxide can be used.
– Protection of fabrics in critical moments: such as pruning, frost and any condition that generates injuries, in predisposing conditions, such as high cloudiness and adequate temperatures.
– Machinery and vehicles: foot baths at the exit of the orchards.
Agronomic management (prevention)
1. Good choice of soil and climate.
2. Good physical and chemical soil preparation.
3. Avoid as much as possible the use of meshes to compensate for suboptimal or marginal climates.
4. Always use healthy source material to start a garden, which comes from a nursery established and registered with the SAG.
5. Organic or semi-organic soil management: use of compost; vermiculture, compost tea, mulch, lawn planting that provide natural nitrogen to minimize the use of mineral nitrogen; minimized use of active and post-emergent soil herbicides, etc.
6. A balanced fertilization that takes into account the balanced contributions of all the essential elements and not just nitrogen.
7. Tissue protection in critical moments: immediate protection of pruning cuts with bactericides without forgetting the wounds in the task of binding the kiwis.
Early diagnosis must be associated with all manual work; Since this type of bacteria is strongly associated with the generation of wounds and the manipulation of plants, it is recommended that independent personnel; eliminate in advance the infected material and the affected plants, be handled at the end of the work.
curative control measures
– Removal of diseased tissue.
– Isolate the plants or areas concerned.
– Healing, removal and destruction of diseased material: remove contaminated tissues and burn quickly inside the orchard.