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bacon? Pork, cabbage, garlic … What changes in the body?

Vitamin B1 from pork … Reduce fatigue and increase brain activity

Boiled pork is a healthy food rich in protein, which is good for muscles, and vitamin B1, which reduces fatigue. [사진=국립농업과학원]

When you think of “pig”, you think of samgyeopsal. It is also a popular banquet menu. I like saturated fats. Couldn’t it be healthier to eat pork? Instead of grilling fatty meat, try boiling it. If you add cabbage, lettuce, garlic, and onion to this, it can be a healthy, high-efficiency meal. What are the changes in your body?

◆ Healthy food for menopause … Helps maintain muscles and activate the brain

There is nothing like meat to replenish the body’s energy. It is good for maintaining muscle loss during menopause because it contains a lot of animal proteins that are easily absorbed. Pork is somewhat high in calories, but has a higher percentage of unsaturated fatty acids like linoleic acid and lower cholesterol than beef or chicken. Many unsaturated fatty acids in perilla oil and olive oil cleanse cloudy blood and help prevent vascular diseases such as heart disease (angina-myocardial infarction) and stroke (cerebral infarction-cerebral hemorrhage). However, less harmful substances are produced when the meat is boiled rather than grilled or fried after removing the oily parts.

◆ Pork legs… High in protein, low in fat

According to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, in general, slaughtering 110 kg of pigs yields about 54 kg of meat. Among these, the thigh is the largest with 14.7 kg, and is produced in the order of pork belly, front leg, loin, pork loin, spare ribs and tenderloin. The pork leg is a food rich in protein and low in fat. To avoid this, it is best to cook it thinly or chopped. It is useful to cook it lightly or to simmer it slightly with the addition of water.

◆ Vitamin B1 deficiency causes poor concentration and forgetfulness

The representative nutrient of pork is vitamin B1 and, if our body is deficient in it, carbohydrates cannot be broken down and fatigued substances such as lactic acid accumulate. It is the cause of the so-called “fatigue”. We get most of our energy from carbohydrates, i.e. the sugar in rice, which is our staple food, so vitamin B1 is very important for maintaining health. Carbohydrates are a source of energy not only for the body but also for the brain. When vitamin B1 is insufficient, the nerves do not function properly, resulting in poor concentration and forgetfulness. The daily requirement of vitamin B1 for adults is between 1.1 and 1.3 mg. 120 g of pork is an adequate amount per day. Pork is the best source of vitamin B1 because it is rich in high quality protein.

◆ Vitamin B1 is 10 times that of beef … Protein from leg meat, 1.5 times the amount of pork belly

Pork contains about 10 times more vitamin B1 than beef, so it can be said that it is the optimal meat for food with vitamin B1. However, if you eat too much because it is effective in recovering from fatigue, pyrbic acid increases and combines with hydrogen in the body, causing the accumulation of fatigued substances (lactic acid). At this time, pyrbic acid is converted into energy if the lemon is added with a lot of citric acid. Pork legs have 1.5 times more protein than pork belly and 1/3 the calories.

◆ If you eat raw cabbage together … Emission of harmful substances, intestinal health

100 g of raw cabbage contains only 13 kcal and a lot of water. It is rich in dietary fiber, which is good for gut health and helps flush out toxins from the body. Chinese cabbage contains a lot of isothiocyanate, which helps prevent liver cancer by increasing detoxification. There are many people who only eat meat and don’t eat raw cabbage, lettuce or garlic next to them. When eating meat, it is best to accompany it with vegetables rich in antioxidants that reduce damage to the body.

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