raffael: minimal much more than athe chancellor of schooling preparesand welcome once againinstructors, he didbrooklyn. yeila yuberes ourto the report.yeila: excellent afternoon, properbelow it is carried outto lecturers and guidingthese maxima are hundreds oflecturers who will be part of theschooling section of theapple.We were being equipped to include some of thelecturers who notify us.we communicate to the 22-year-oldsa long time, says those people whohaé then 12 months aiding hergroup in queens and so oninstructing English classes.I think it will be the 12 monthspretty chilly faculty, I’m likelyi will train spanishqueens and I assume it will beamusing, i love mineculture and teach them a aspirationto me. I am happy andprepared.pull the intention to enablechildren to develop intobilingual and ready to speakSpanish and was the chancellorhistorical past like other teacherswho has a whole lot of time in theNew York Town Educating,converse a minor with the new onelecturers and telling him about hisheritage.was shaped bybrooklyn, yeila yuberes regreó