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Back to school and Covid, the Dad front is growing

The tug-of-war continues for the return of school in the presence. In view of Monday, the date on which people return to the desks after the Christmas holidays, the calls for distance learning or for a postponement of the resumption in presence both by the Regions and by the principals are multiplying, which also pose a privacy problem relating to the state vaccination of students.

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The government, however, does not intend to back down. “We affirmed the important principle of having a school in attendance, but we have also regulated the possibility, for specific and targeted cases, of the use of distance learning, for a limited time “, Education Minister Patrizio Bianchi told SkyTg24.” Not only have we confirmed the basic principle of the school in presence, but we have regulated a situation that could be out of control, that of widespread and unregulated use of distance learning“.

The decree approved on 5 January was “a balanced provision inspired by common sense”, he stressed. “The infection did not happen in schools, the increase in cases occurred when the school was closed. Insisting on presence is an important health measure that allows children to be in a controlled situation, “he explained.

The return to school in Sicily has been postponed. “The school calendar depends on the Regions – says Minister Bianchi -, Sicily had planned it, keeping out a few days to be able to spend when it thought fit, and that’s what has been done”. On the other hand, the position regarding the ordinance with which the Campania governor De Luca ordered is different the suspension of didactic activities in presence until January 29 for kindergartens, elementary and middle schools. Minister Bianchi defines the provision “in contrast with the current regulations” and therefore says he is ready to challenge it.

As for theappeal to reopen the school with two weeks of distance learning, advanced by over 2 thousand school leaders, he clarified: “We have listened to the opinion of all the principals, we have read the reasons of those who signed the deed but also of those, who are in the majority, who have not signed it. But as we always do we all listen but then we take on our responsibilities“.” There is a continuous dialogue with the principals, “he adds.


“The Regions have, in vain, requested a postponement of the reopening to have time to complete the vaccinations of the students and in particular those of the little ones, but the government on this point was adamant“writes on Facebook the Apulian governor, Michele Emiliano.” The Italian government, despite the epidemiological risks linked to the still low vaccination level of children aged 5 to 11, has decided to resume lessons in the presence from Monday 10 January. Your concerns about the reopening of the school are also mine and those of the presidents of the Italian regions “.

“I cannot intervene with a regional ordinance – he adds – because last August 6th Decree Law 111 was issued, (later converted into law with amendments) which allows the Presidents of the Regions to derogate from national provisions only when a region is in the ‘red zone’. Puglia in this moment – continues Emiliano – is in the ‘white zone’, has an incidence rate of infections and hospitalizations lower than the national average and vaccination percentages above the average. legal conditions “.

“What we can certainly do is push hard on vaccinations. Puglia – underlines Emiliano – is by far the first Italian region to have protected children with the best vaccination coverage”, but “despite this we have only reached 25 at the moment. , 2% of the target. As for the 12-19 year-olds from Puglia: 83% have received at least one dose, 76%, two doses and 8% already have the booster. We are also among the Regions that most they vaccinated teachers and school staff. The work goes on, always trying to do better “.


The government Musumeci will postpone the reopening of schools for three days in Sicily to allow verification of all organizational aspects. This is what was established after the meeting of the regional task force on the return to class of students on the island, which until yesterday was scheduled for next January 10th. 200 mayors had asked for the postponement of the return to class and the start of Dad to “protect health”. The meeting, which took place electronically, was called by the regional government precisely to find mediation. Present were the councilors for health and education, Ruggero Razza and Roberto Lagalla.

At the moment, therefore, the gates of the Sicilian institutes will remain closed for another three days. The task force will meet again next Wednesday.


With an order the Campania governor De Luca has ordered the suspension of didactic activities in presence until January 29 for kindergartens, elementary and middle schools. “We are in a position to proceed by challenging the deed” said Minister Bianchi, interviewed by Sky Tg 24. “The president of the Campania Region De Luca has advanced an order that blocked the activity in presence for two weeks. An act essentially linked to the health difficulties of the Region, but that is in explicit contrast with the law, in force since last August, which prohibits the presidents of Regions and mayors from generalized interventions on the territory and allows them only in red areas and for specific cases“.

Meanwhile, an appeal was presented to the Campania Tar, by some parents, defended by the lawyers Giacomo Profeta and Luca Rubinacci, for the annulment, after suspension of the effectiveness, of the ordinance, signed by the president of the Campania Region Vincenzo De Luca, in the part that provides for the suspension of teaching activities in presence until January 29 for kindergartens, elementary and middle schools.

The president of the fifth section of the Campania Tar, Maria Abbruzzese, has issued a decree by which the Campania Region must exhibit by 10 am on Monday 10 January “the pertinent and relevant acts on the basis of the contested ordinance” as, according to the provision, “the ordinance justifies the need for the suspension by making widespread reference to data, reports and preliminary acquisitions not available in the court documents that it is appropriate, due to the relevance of the matter, that they be brought to attention of the judge right from the precautionary phase “.

The judge also believes “that the Campania Region must also justify the adoption of the contested order in substantial concomitance with the entry into force of the legislative decree 5 January 2022 which identifies, as far as is relevant, specific methods of providing school and educational services and it also regulates the obligations subsequent to the possible ascertainment of positive cases in the constant pandemic emergency “.


The main way should be that of communication between ASL and schools“the president of the National Association of Principals Antonello Giannelli tells Adnkronos, speaking on the last note of the Ministry of Education on the management of positive cases in the classes for which the children have to self-declare their vaccination status.” There should be a dialogue between institutions. I find it improper and unacceptable that the principal should ask individual children who are often minors for vaccination status“.” The correct thing is to ask the local health authorities for data through Covid contacts. The privacy code was changed about a month ago. Now a public institution is authorized to process particular data, previously called sensitive, if it needs it to carry out its tasks. The school has a great variety of situations that are not easily validated that must be taken into account. Kids can’t be embarrassed. “

Concern was also expressed by the president of the National Association of Presidents for Lazio, Cristina Costarelli. “We are worried about the data. Next Monday” in the schools of Rome and “in Lazio”, he tells Adnkronos, we will have “about 17,500 students absent because they are positive for Covid. The trend of infections we have found is such that within a few days of returning half of the classes will be in quarantine “.” It is a picture aggravated byabsence of at least 10 thousand teachers. Among those who have not fulfilled their vaccination obligations, those who have been suspended, those in quarantine and the usual absences, we foresee at least 15 absent teachers per school, out of a total of about 700 schools in the Region “.

Costarelli also intervenes on the new circular of the Ministry of Education for the management of positives: “We will do what we are told to do. But let’s be clear: for the school it is an additional burden to have to deal with this type of data, up to now managed by the ASL. Furthermore, the treatment creates disparities, introducing a differentiation between pupils however does not agree. The request for self-declaration to the children of choices that they wanted to remain personal is heavy and on the schools front, the administrative repercussions and other tasks that will have to be activated are great. We will implement the norm, but reluctantly “.


The president of Fnomceo, the national Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists, Filippo Anelli, proposes to postpone the opening of schools, then recovering in June. “There is, among colleagues, a strong concern about the expected peak towards the middle of the month“, explains Anelli. Hence the idea of ​​postponing the return to school in the presence to try to contain the increase in infections and hospitalizations that is putting a strain on the National Health Service.

“The measures implemented by the government are important – he continues – but may not be enough to stem the spread of the epidemic. The past two years have taught us that a really effective measure is to limit contacts between people in view of the peak. The reopening of schools, at a time when students are just starting to get vaccinated or get boosters, depending on the age group, worries us, just as it worries the principals. Because of this we ask for a 15 day stop, to be recovered in June, when we should be out of the emergency “.

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