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Back to school 2021: our advice for finding accommodation

CROUS services Crous accommodation:
The Crous offers different types of accommodation in Cités U ‘or Residences U’. To benefit from Crous accommodation, you had to make your request between January 20 and May 15 on messervicesetudiant.gouv.fr by entering a Student Social File. Did you not submit your request on time?
Accommodation may still become available, check regularly for availability on https://trouverunlogement.lescrous.fr/ Lokaviz.fr :
Whether it is to find a roommate or an individual accommodation, the Crous de Nantes Pays de la Loire offers you www.Lokaviz.fr, the national non-commercial student accommodation center. Certain offers are labeled by the Crous teams, thus making it possible to meet certain criteria: surface area, safety, etc.; energy performance of buildings; amount of rent, charges, and any benefits; respect for good practices in terms of rental relations between the lessor and the lessee; and location near higher education establishments and sports and cultural facilities.

The other solutions

If you do not have the possibility of staying in a university residence, or if you prefer to be completely independent, several alternatives are available to you. You can rent a room or a small apartment with locals or from a private real estate agency. Or, why not, share a large apartment with others (colocation), a solution that is both economical and user-friendly.

National platforms:
You probably already know them, but a little reminder never hurts. Here is a small selection:
https://www.appartager.com/ (site dedicated to colocation)

Additional advice – Protect yourself:
Be on your guard against Internet scams that ask you for a sum of money to reserve accommodation. Never send money!
Also beware of list sellers who offer rental offers against payment in advance … without guaranteeing you will find accommodation. Avoid paying for an address.

Local platforms:
Several Crous partners also offer devices to help you find your accommodation. Here is a quick overview of the different local platforms in Pays de la Loire:
– The Crij of Pays de la Loire: https://www.infos-jeunes.fr/annonce-logement
– URHAJ, the Habitat Jeunes network: http://www.urhajpaysdelaloire.fr/l-urhaj/nos-adherents/
– West France : https://www.ouestfrance-immo.com/
– SMEB’Habitat : https://www.smebhabitat.fr/
– LogiOuest: https://logiouest.polylogis.immo/
– Podeliha, housing action group: https://www.podeliha.fr/

Angers :
– The J: https://www.angers.fr/vivre-a-angers/jeunes-a-angers/une-mine-d-infos/se-loger/index.html
– Young workers hostel: https://www.fjtda-angers.org/
– Studapart (Angers University): https://univ-angers.studapart.com/fr
– Time for you: http://letempspourtoit.fr
– A bed for the night: http://hebergement.fe2a.fr
– Student accommodation: https://www.vivappart.com/
– Maine-et-Loire housing request: www.demandelogement49.fr Nantes :
– Time for you: http://letempspourtoit.fr
– Loire Atlantique housing request: www.demandelogement44.fr
– Nantes Métropole Habitat: https://nmh.fr
– Harmony Habitat: https://www.harmoniehabitat.org/
– CIF Group: www.groupecif.com/accueil/je-suis-etudiant
– FAIR 44 : www.adil44.fr Saint Nazaire :
– Loire Atlantique housing request: www.demandelogement44.fr
– Habitat harmony: https://www.harmoniehabitat.org/
– Silenus: https://www.silene-habitat.com/ Le Mans :
– Sarthe Habitat: https://www.sarthe-habitat.fr/
– Le Mans habitat metropolis: http://www.monappartaumans.com/
– Student residence : www.sergic-residences.fr
– Furnished accommodation: https://www.flore-habitatjeunes.org/ Laval :
– Mayenne Habitat: www.mayenne-habitat.fr
– Habitat Jeunes Laval: https://www.hjl53.org/
– Estudialis: http://marimo-immobilier.com/
– Colocation against penalty with residents: http://iut-laval.univ-lemans.fr/ La Roche-sur-Yon:
– FAIR 85 : https://www.adil85.org/offres-locatives
– Application for accommodation in the Vendée: www.demandelogement85.fr
– 14 bis Youth Information Center: https://www.larochesuryon.fr/jeunes/
– Residence of the stalls: https://www.etablieres.fr/la-rocheyon-campus-universitaire
– West stopovers: https://escalesouest.com/ Additional tips:
What do you need most to feel good about your studies? Of space? Calm? Nearby services? Empty or furnished? Shop around for classified ads on reliable sites (beware of scams). Do not hesitate to disseminate your research through your social networks.
Make an appointment quickly when you like an offer. But do not rush during the visit. Take the time to check the condition of the accommodation. Is it sufficiently isolated? Well put ? Try to project yourself. Your parents or a friend can accompany you. This sometimes avoids getting carried away or turning a blind eye to certain essential details. When you have found the right fit for you, hurry up and file a complete file with the owner or the agency. At this point, you don’t have to pay anything. Wait for the answer and especially the signing of the lease which can take place the same day as the inventory. Be vigilant and take note of every detail: torn wallpaper, peeled plinth, damaged seal… This cannot be deducted from your security deposit when you leave the accommodation.
Also consider expanding your research to the outskirts of cities. Accommodation is often cheaper and very well served. Housing assistance

Housing benefits exist: Personalized Housing Assistance (APL), Social Housing Allowance (ALS) or Family if you have a dependent child. The Caisse d’Allocations Familiales website allows you to simulate the amount to which you may be entitled (www.caf.fr). The state also provides housing subsidies for work-study students (Mobili-Young). Devices, such as the Loca-Pass advance, can also cover your security deposit. Take stock of your rights, this will help you define your budget and prioritize your criteria.
– Find all the information on housing assistance here: https://www.crous-nantes.fr/logements/aides-au-logement/

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