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Back to normal in the spring

BEIJING (dpa-AFX) – According to the German Chamber of Commerce (AHK), a return to normality after the massive wave of coronavirus in China is to be expected in the spring. According to this information, the problems German companies face in China are unlikely to impact consumers in Germany, as they are already protected locally.

“Two weeks after the abolishment of the zero-Covid policy, the number of cases across China has exploded,” Jens Hildebrandt, executive board member of the Chamber of Commerce, told the German News Agency in Beijing on Saturday. German companies are faced with staff shortages in many places: it is not uncommon for large numbers of employees to be absent.

“Due to the sick leave in the logistics area, there are also bottlenecks in the supply chain,” Hildebrandt said. However, many companies are well prepared, for example by stocking up. They also know “how to deal with waves of infection”. “This allows production to be kept largely or partially at a slower pace.”

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