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Back to class, Ricciardi: “Decisive days, the reopening is not obvious”

“These are decisive days for school, the reopening is not obvious”. If in the coming days the number of infections continues to grow, there is the risk of not just one “Closure of areas with outbreaks”, but even that “Schools do not reopen”. Holds it Walter Ricciardi, advisor to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University of Rome in a long interview in “Il Messaggero”. Everything, however, “It will depend on the responsible behavior of people”, need.

“At this moment, the contagion is substantially fueled for about 30-35 percent by those Italian tourists who return from abroad, and they are mainly children. Then another 40 percent are autochthonous, they are outbreaks that are originated or transmitted in the family or community. Finally, 20-30 percent of people are tourists, or migrants, or in any case people who come from abroad ”.

The probability that some area will be closed, explains Ricciardi, “It is a possibility that must be taken into consideration if it is not possible to intercept the outbreaks. However, before closing, we must try to trace the infected and limit the outbreaks. Of course, in the face of all this, I repeat, there is the behavior of people: if they act as if there is no risk, it is clear that the outbreaks increase, and this in turn triggers the possibility that the authorities will not make it. to identify them “.

Now, the risk that children will not be able to go back to school, Ricciardi reiterates, “there is. It depends on whether the trend is also reversed through the decision taken on Sunday by the government to close nightclubs and limit nightlife through the use of masks. We can and must work to ensure that the schools reopen, but it is clear that if we have an exacerbation and an increase in cases, a huge question mark reopens, because in fact in these conditions schools could be a source of new outbreaks. Therefore, every possible and imaginable effort must be made to reopen the schools, and this
it means that on the one hand people have to behave appropriately and that the authorities prepare themselves adequately ”.

As for the hypothesis of reopening schools only in areas with less infections if the numbers “continue to grow as we are seeing in the last two or three days, there is a serious problem. If, on the other hand, this growth is interrupted and even contained, it can reopen throughout Italy. But it is clear that the prerequisites are the interruption of this growth in cases and the ability to manage infections with the appropriate protocols “.

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