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Back on the course of an example which left “its marks of nobility” in the press.

He was one of the pioneers who had to give their ink and their energy in the progress of the profession of journalism, but also who, through his love of the profession, knew how to build a school which inspired more than one.

As part of the 7th promotion of the Center for Studies in Information Science and Technology (CESTI), Babacar Touré completed his training in 1979. He also had a master’s certificate in English. After graduating from CESTI, Babacar Touré began working for the newspaper “Le Soleil”, before having a scholarship to go to the United States to strengthen his capacities. This will lead him to study at the French Press Institute and at the African Development and Communication Center at Michigan State University. He also made a passage still within the framework of reinforcement, at the University of Kansas in the United States.

Once back in Senegal, the eminent journalist Babacar Touré had to integrate the NGO “Enda Tiers Monde” before embarking on the project of setting up a weekly, “Sud Hebdo” in 1986 with others of his friends from the newspaper “Le Soleil”, such as Abdoulaye Ndiaga Sylla, Ibrahima Fall, Sidy Gaye. It will also set up Senegal’s first private radio station “Sud Fm”, thus completing the Sud Communication press group.

Babacar Touré is one of those who participated in the birth of the National Union of Information and Communication Professionals (UPICS) which would later become the Union of Information and Communication Professionals.

The founding member of the Sud’Com group after this long journey in the profession that he has honored so much, was finally appointed in November 2012 to head the National Audiovisual Regulatory Council (CNRA), replacing Nancy Ngom Ndiaye .

Babacar Touré died on Sunday July 26, 2020 following a long illness. He will be buried in the holy city of Touba on Monday.

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