Home » today » World » Bachvarova: Terrorists are passing through Bulgaria – 2024-09-08 15:03:38

Bachvarova: Terrorists are passing through Bulgaria – 2024-09-08 15:03:38

/ world today news/ Members of terrorist organizations trying to reach Western Europe pass through the territory of Bulgaria.

This was stated by the resigned Interior Minister Rumyana Bachvarova.

As of now, no information has been received about the organization of a terrorist attack on the territory of the country and against Bulgarian interests abroad, Bachvarova said.

“In recent weeks, the National Counter-Terrorist Center has received information about the possible passage of members of terrorist organizations trying to reach countries from Western Europe, including through the territory of Bulgaria,” specified the resigned minister.

To improve security measures for Bulgarian citizens after the terrorist acts in Berlin, Zurich and Ankara, Bachvarova stated that the Advisory Group decided to maintain the current third degree “low level” of threat, according to the national counter-terrorism plan.

In addition, a level of readiness “yellow” (warning) has been ordered for all structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with an emphasis on strengthening border control and security for events related to the Christmas and New Year holidays. Places visited by large groups of people such as concerts, Christmas markets, large shops, etc.

These measures also apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in relation to diplomatic missions in Bulgaria, Turkey and risky countries.

No specific information has been received about a threat to specific foreign diplomatic missions on the territory of Bulgaria, embassies of the countries of the international anti-terrorist coalition continue to be among the potential targets of attack by terrorist organizations.

There is no data on self-radicalized representatives of the Bulgarian Muslim community who could prepare and carry out attacks in the country. There is also no data on far-right and nationalist organizations for retaliating against the Muslim community in our country, refugee centers or Muslim temples, Bachvarova added.

She addressed the Bulgarian citizens and assured them that they should be calm because there is no threat and all institutions will take increased security and safety measures during the holidays.

Bachvarova also commented that the annual report of the Ministry of the Interior is currently being prepared.

Regarding the regime of registration of migrants, obtaining refugee status and the way in which information is processed about those residing in refugee centers, Bachvarova commented that information is constantly provided. All refugees are registered and procedures are followed – those who have the right to receive refugee status receive it, and those who do not have such a right are taken out of the country.

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