Home » today » World » Bachvarova Restricts our civil rights by law – 2024-10-01 10:07:24

Bachvarova Restricts our civil rights by law – 2024-10-01 10:07:24

/ world today news/ The Security Council of the Council of Ministers discussed today and approved the draft law on countering terrorism.

The bill is expected to be considered at tomorrow’s government meeting. The purpose of the draft law was to create an effective mechanism for interaction between the institutions in the implementation of measures to prevent and respond to potential terrorist threats.

“I expect the professional community to stand behind the law, because it regulates actions and relationships in situations that endanger Bulgarian citizens. Only with well-coordinated actions can we resist terrorism, which in recent years has become one of the biggest threats on a global scale, and the creation of a modern and integrated security system is of primary importance”, commented Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs Rumyana Bachvarova , which is the initiator of the bill. According to her, the prepared law is another step in this direction. Its purpose is precisely to regulate the mechanism that will allow the effective interaction and exchange of information between specialized bodies, local authorities, foreign partners and the non-governmental sector for the prevention and counteraction of this threat. “The basis of everything is the protection of human life. The terrorist act takes away a basic human right – the right to life. The fact that the rights of some people who plan such actions will be violated is incomparable,” said Bachvarova, quoted by the government information service.

The draft law defines three levels of threat from a terrorist act and four levels of preparedness of the competent authorities for countermeasures.

It is envisaged that the Council of Ministers will carry out general management of the activity on countering terrorism, adopt a strategy and a national plan for countering terrorism. The National Counter-Terrorist Center is located in the National Security Agency and provides information to the competent authorities and structures, necessary for preventing and countering terrorist threats, in a continuous 24/7 mode. The participation of the Armed Forces in countering terrorism and in overcoming the consequences of terrorist acts is also regulated. The functions of local bodies and structures in this process are determined.

Preventive activities are regulated in a separate chapter. It includes analysis and assessment of risks, cooperation and exchange of information with the competent authorities of other countries and organizations, preparation of plans at various levels to counter terrorism, etc. An obligation is introduced for the owners and users of buildings and facilities for public service of the first-third category under ZUT, as well as schools and kindergartens to develop and implement measures to counter terrorism.

In relation to the persons for whom there is data in order to make a reasonable assumption that they are related to the preparation of a terrorist act, preventive measures are applied, which refer to the restriction of their movement and confiscation of documents. The order in which the preventive measures are applied is described in detail, as well as that they are subject to judicial control.

The bill introduces basic rules for conducting an anti-terrorist operation in the presence of data on a specific threat from or in the event of a terrorist act. In these cases, it is permissible partially and temporarily limitation of individual rights of citizens. It is also allowed the declaration of a state of emergency by decision of the National Assembly or by decree of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria. The goal was to give priority to saving human life and health.

The draft law also provides for compensation to natural and legal persons for property damage actually caused during or on the occasion of carrying out the legally established actions to prevent and counter the threat of terrorism or to overcome the consequences of terrorism.

The main principles on which the draft law is built are compliance with the Constitution, laws and international treaties to which Bulgaria is a party; respecting and guaranteeing human rights and fundamental freedoms; priority in saving human life over other activities; cooperation with citizens and their organizations; openness and transparency in the implementation of counter-terrorism policies; centralized management and control of activities; timely exchange of information on competence; coordinated implementation of counter-terrorism activities.

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