A false rumor of Thomas Bach to try to steal sensitive data. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) warned today that accounts impersonating President Bach have contacted members of the organization to obtain sensitive information. The IOC reported that at least two fake accounts on WhatsApp and Telegram, as well as emails, contacted high-ranking figures from various walks of life, including prominent politicians and officials of the International Olympic Movement. The campaign even uses a deep-fake voice purporting to be that of the IOC president, created using Artificial Intelligence (AI). Contacted individuals are lured into sensitive conversations to gain unauthorized access to their computer systems. The unknown perpetrator also attempted to gain access to Bach’s sensitive data by contacting him and impersonating a high-ranking politician. The attempt was unsuccessful, as the IOC source claims. The campaign is broad and sophisticated, reaching an unknown number of high-level officials and the IOC is asking everyone to be extremely vigilant if they are contacted. The IOC, its president and the Olympic Games had already been the subject of a widespread disinformation campaign before the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Bach, as we know, is expiring his mandate: on January 30th in Lausanne the seven candidates for the presidency of the IOC they will have a closed-door meeting where they will present their program. Then in March, in Greece, we vote. There is now strong concern about these attempts to intrusion into sensitive IOC data.
Malagò: “Thanks to Mattarella for underlining the importance of sport”
“On behalf of the athletes of Italian sport, I extend a warm and heartfelt thanks to President Mattarella who, with his words in his end-of-year speech, once again wanted to underline how sport, like other sectors of civil society, is important for the country, and it was especially so in this 2024 which has just ended which saw the pride of the Italia Team around our flag and its values confirmed in Paris. Thank you President!”: this was declared by the president of CONI, Giovanni Malagò, in thanks to the end-of-year speech by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella.
#Bachs #false #voice #obtain #sensitive #data #IOC #raises #alarm