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“Bachelor Star Joey Graziadei Reveals Gilbert Syndrome, Explains Yellow Eyes”

Bachelor Star Joey Graziadei Reveals Gilbert Syndrome, Explains Yellow Eyes

Joey Graziadei, known for his appearance on the popular reality show “The Bachelor,” recently took to social media to address comments and questions about his distinctive yellow eyes. In a video post, Graziadei revealed that he has Gilbert syndrome, a liver condition that can affect the color of the skin and eyes.

Understanding Gilbert Syndrome

Gilbert syndrome is an inherited disorder that impacts the liver’s ability to process bilirubin, a waste product that forms during the breakdown of old red blood cells. When there is an excess of bilirubin in the blood, it can lead to jaundice, characterized by yellowish skin and eyes. The Cleveland Clinic explains that an estimated 3% to 7% of Americans have Gilbert’s syndrome, with males being more commonly affected than females. This liver disorder can affect individuals of all ages, races, and ethnicities.

Joey Graziadei’s Experience

Graziadei shared that he was diagnosed with Gilbert syndrome during his high school years but reassured his followers that his overall health is fine. He explained in his video post, “At the end of the day, I am told that I am healthy. It’s something that does affect the whites of my eyes. It makes it have those jaundice levels, which is why they look a little bit more yellow.” He expressed gratitude for the concern shown by his fans but assured them that he is as okay as he can be.

Symptoms and Triggers

In addition to yellowing of the skin or eyes, individuals with Gilbert’s syndrome may experience dark-colored urine or clay-colored stool, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, and loss of appetite. These symptoms can worsen under certain circumstances such as dehydration, illness, fasting or inadequate food intake, stress, or menstruation. Graziadei shared that his symptoms tend to worsen during periods of stress or lack of sleep, which are common occurrences during his time on a TV show. He emphasized the importance of staying hydrated to manage his condition.

Risk Factors and Treatment

Since Gilbert syndrome is an inherited condition, it cannot be prevented. However, individuals who have both parents carrying the modified gene that causes the disorder are at an increased risk. The Mayo Clinic explains that although Gilbert syndrome is present from birth, it is often not noticed until puberty or later when bilirubin production increases. Fortunately, Gilbert’s syndrome is generally not a serious health threat and does not require treatment. The Cleveland Clinic assures that it does not cause long-term complications or serious health problems.

Graziadei’s Diagnosis

Graziadei shared his personal experience of being diagnosed with Gilbert syndrome as a teenager. After undergoing blood tests, his bilirubin count was found to be very high, indicating a potential issue with his liver. Further tests, including a liver ultrasound, ruled out more serious conditions like hepatitis and led to the diagnosis of Gilbert syndrome. Graziadei’s case highlights the importance of regular check-ups and blood tests in detecting underlying health conditions.

Seeking Medical Attention

If you are experiencing jaundice or any concerning symptoms, it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider. Jaundice can have various causes, and a medical professional can help determine the underlying issue and provide appropriate guidance.

In Conclusion

Joey Graziadei’s revelation about his diagnosis of Gilbert syndrome sheds light on a relatively common but often misunderstood condition. By sharing his experience, he has raised awareness and provided valuable information about the disorder. Gilbert syndrome, although harmless in most cases, can have noticeable effects on an individual’s appearance. Graziadei’s positive outlook and focus on maintaining good health serve as an inspiration to others facing similar challenges.


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