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Bac, DNB, CAP 2021: inequalities of treatment and generalized lack of preparation!

Live from CSE: SUD tells you everything!

This Friday, April 23, a CSE was held during which the arrangements planned for the end-of-year exams were examined. SUD Education gives you all the information on what is planned, and reaffirms its positions.

The final tests of the DNB are maintained on Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 June without adjustment yet according to the departments the schooling of the pupils of third took place in a very heterogeneous way.

Between the non-replacements of teachers in contact cases, tested positive and positive for COVID, exhausted by degraded working conditions, the fiasco of inapplicable health protocols and class closures, it is the students of the zones those most affected by the epidemic who are penalized with the maintenance of the event without adjustment.

After a checkered school year, the government is putting significant pressure on the shoulders of staff. They will prepare for this exam in degraded and too heterogeneous conditions, with duplication according to the departments, while the priority is to reduce the educational inequalities which have widened further this year due to the chaotic management of the health crisis.

The CAP written tests will take place on Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 June 2021.

BAC Pro exams will take place from Wednesday 16 to Wednesday 23 June 2021.

The ministry has not planned any adaptation of these exams: no reduction in the programs has been made despite repeated alerts from SUD Education. However, the year unfolded in a very heterogeneous manner depending on the territories. The implementation of duplication without additional resources and without institutional framework, has led to a massive dropout of students from pro high school.

Likewise, with the non-replacements of absent teachers due to the health crisis and the closures of classes, it is the students of the areas most affected by the epidemic who are penalized with the maintenance of the test without arrangement. In these departments, the teachers observe a “blank year”: between constant evaluations with the CCFs and the chaotic management of the health crisis, the teachers have not been able to make sufficient progress in the learning.

The masterpiece is maintained. SUD education claims the cancellation of this test set up without training and without consultation time. The teachers were unable to prepare the students for this test. School time has been more than limited this year: priority goes to disciplinary lessons!

The co-intervention imposed was reduced to DIY this year. The co-intervention wasted precious teaching time and constitutes a loss of meaning for the pupils and the staff.

The government announced that the first French written exams (EAF) are maintained. They will take place from June 21 to July 2, 2021.

The number of texts to be presented by the pupils has been reduced to a minimum of 14 texts for the general path and a minimum of 7 texts for the technological path.

For the final year class: written philosophy tests are maintained on Thursday, June 17 with an adaptation of the programs since the students will have the choice between 3 essay subjects in addition to the commentary-text analysis.

For SUD education, this adaptation of the expectations for the EAF and the written philosophy test was necessary.

Nevertheless, Minister Blanquer maintains at all costs the Grand Oral test despite the difficulties that have emerged from the field: according to the academies, teachers have not been trained to prepare students for this test whose expectations are more vague. Likewise, the students in the areas most affected by the epidemic were greatly disadvantaged in the preparation of this test: between the non-replacements of their teachers absent due to the health crisis, the closures of class, the evictions with each new positive case, the distance education fiasco, they weren’t properly prepared. Is it necessary to add additional pressure to these students who are already suffering enough from this disastrous school and health situation?

The three common assessments of the first and final classes are canceled and replaced by the averages of the school reports. The issuance of the attestation of modern languages ​​at the end of the terminal cycle, which was to take place during the 2021 session, is canceled.

Here again, SUD Education denounces the frenzied policy applied throughout the year by Minister Blanquer. This imposed their maintenance at all costs, putting unbearable pressure on teachers and students, to finally resolve at the end of April to cancel them.

SUD Education claims access, for all students who so wish, to repetition in order to limit the delays in learning this year and to guarantee their continued studies.

SUD education is against continuous assessment, which is synonymous with an “à la carte baccalaureate” which reinforces social and territorial inequalities. The generalization of obtaining continuous assessment examinations implemented by the ministry this year blatantly revealed its educational pitfalls. Teachers are forced to sacrifice hours of teaching, consolidating learning to cramming, preparing and taking tests. This educational policy is disastrous for students who have academic difficulties.

For SUD Education, by his stubbornness in imposing his reforms and by his inability to take measures adapted to the field, Minister Blanquer sacrificed the interest of the students during this health crisis.

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