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Bac #21 revisions: the United States and the environmental question in history-geo – Revisions

“The environment, between exploitation and protection: a planetary issue”, such is the title of theme n°5 of the specialization “History-geography, geopolitics and political science”. A theme in which it is about the United States.

A pioneer in the protection of natural areas, with the creation in 1872 of the first national park in the world in Yellowstone, the country has for several years been the leader of the climatosceptic camp. Clearly, he is not quick to commit himself: signed by the United States in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol has, for example, never been ratified by the legislative authorities.

The peculiarities of the “Trump era”


Moreover, while Barack Obama signed the Paris agreement in 2015, Donald Trump announced, in 2017, the United States’ exit from this “historic” climate pact (1), the President of the United States States demanding that “nothing can get in the way” of its action to restore the economy of the world’s leading power. Which was synonymous with anger and bewilderment.

From 2017, the Trump administration has also pursued a policy of promoting fossil fuels. Coal mining was encouraged, as was the resumption of oil drilling at sea. The Environmental Protection Agency, for its part, encouraged the extraction of shale gas, in effect reducing the spaces natural protected.

In partnership with Studyrama, we tell you more here.

Another theme on the program: “Making war, making peace: forms of conflict and methods of resolution”. To be ready for the written exam for the 2022 baccalaureate scheduled for May 11 or 12, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., click here.

1. In 2021, a turnaround: the arrival of Joe Biden at the White House signals the return of the United States to the Paris agreement.

See you every day at 5 p.m. for a new revision sheet!

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