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Baby Hospitalized After Alleged Hot Water Attack by Mother in Bogor


A woman in Wanaherang Village, Gunung Putri, Bogor Regency, West Java, is suspected of splashing water the baby with hot water. The 4-month-old baby had to be hospitalized until surgery due to the incident.

“That’s right, the baby is being treated at the Cileungsi Hospital now,” said Gunung Putri Police Chief Kompol Bayu Tri Nugraha, when contacted, Saturday (5/8/2023).

Summarized detikcomTuesday (8/8) The following are a number of facts related to an incident where a baby was allegedly splashed with hot water by his mother in Bogor.

Police Investigate

The incident occurred on Friday (4/8) yesterday. Police officers have visited the scene of the incident to conduct a crime scene investigation (TKP).

“Currently the Criminal Investigation Unit from the Polsek has gone to the TKP at Wanaherang’s house. Then the baby is looked after by the father and mother,” he explained.

Babies Who Have Been Poured With Hot Water Have Operations

The baby suffered a wound in the navel. The plan is that in the near future, the 4-month-old baby will undergo surgery.

“Well, currently his condition is still in shock, today he also wants to operate,” he said.

The police have not yet examined the baby’s mother because she is still in shock, so her motive is currently unknown.

“So the motive is still not known with certainty. The plan is, when the operation is finished, maybe they want to be summoned,” he said.

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2023-08-08 14:36:41

#Facts #Lara #Baby #Bogor #Wounded #Mothers #Hot #Water

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