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Babs Schutte: First Eliminated Contestant from Who is the Mole? Season 24 Talks About Disappointment and Redemption opportunity with Topito

Jan 7, 2024 at 2:01 PM Update: 42 minutes ago

Ten famous Dutch people traveled to Mexico to discover who the Mole is in their midst this year. NU.nl speaks to the dropouts every week Who is the mole?. Today it is the very first: Babs Schutte.

A dream that becomes a nightmare: finally participating Who is the mole? and then be the first to get a red screen. 24-year-old Babs Schutte was extremely disappointed when it turned out that she was the first dropout of the 24th season.

“I just didn’t quite believe I was in yet. And before I could believe that, I was out again.”

That’s quite an anticlimax.

“Yes, that was it. I really think it is the best Dutch program there is. I have been watching since I was quite young, with the whole family. I think my brother won a competition fourteen years ago and was allowed to go on the trip. He saw everything behind the scenes and was so impressed. When I was allowed to participate, he thought it was really cool, it really is his dream. And mine too.”

“Then losing weight first is of course not fun at all. But I am really a very optimistic person. So when I got that red screen, I also thought: ‘Yes, it took a short time. But what I have already experienced is so I’m sure it’s okay too.’ The whole experience, even though it was short, was crazy.”

You had an exemption for this episode, but lost it while speed dating. Didn’t you watch the television screaming that you were going along with the idea of ​​getting all the waivers out of the game?

“Well, it’s even funnier than that. If I had lied to everyone about that exemption, I would still have it. I chose to be honest with one person. I wanted to see what would happen. A bit of a bluff. Just with ask one person what will happen if I do that. And that person (Tooske Ragas, ed.) voted for me, haha. She also said: ‘If you hadn’t said that, I would never have voted for you.’ That is of course really sad.”

Babs Schutte (24) is an artist, producer and songwriter. Photo: Joy Hansson

You know the program and know: in that first episode you have to spread out. But I heard you say that you already feared tunnel vision. Did that bother you?

“I have to be very honest: I did play risky. I went in quite hard. That’s a bit of the danger. You think of strategies and tactics in advance. You know that you have to spread out. You know that you can’t that tunnel vision should end up, certainly not in episode one.”

“But believe me: the moment you sit there, you throw all the things you thought about in advance overboard. Because you end up in a bizarre pressure cooker. As a result, you actually forget a bit what you were planning to do.”

“I am also someone who likes to take risks. I did that too early. But you soon get the idea that you can sound out people. That you know: that is really a candidate. Because you have breakfast together and with each other drinks coffee and I know a lot.”

“And I must honestly say that I was overwhelmed by the test. You know that there are very personal questions in it, but you don’t know which ones they will be. And you still know very little about each other. So you don’t know everyone’s it was called a hug when they were five. I was really shocked by question 1.”

There was a huge twist at the end. You got a topito and it looks like you can return. Did you really not see it coming at all?

“If you’re the first to lose weight, you obviously hope so. But that’s not the first thing you think. You’re just sad. I remember getting into the van and thinking: why is there an iPad here? Probably not about Netflix to look up. Well, then the iPad turned on.”

And what does it mean, that topito? Will you be back?

“You understand that I can’t say anything about that, right. Haha.”

Okay, so see you in a few weeks.

2024-01-07 13:01:32

#dropout #Mole #lied #Media

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