20/04/2023 13:32 | From networks
The former prime minister feels like he’s in a madhouse when he comments on the final end of nuclear power in Germany and the opening of a new nuclear power plant in Finland. The future of Europe will be decided by the elections next year. According to Andrej Babiš, these can end the “green madness” or lead to the end of Europe as we know it, which the head of ANO compared to the fall of the Roman Empire. It was also about corrupt European politicians.
Facebook screen of Andrej Babiš
Description: Andrej Babiš talks about Ukrainian grain
“We must expel the madmen and the corrupt from the European Parliament in the 2024 elections. Otherwise, the European Union is at risk of a fundamental increase in unemployment and economic damage,” writes Andrej Babiš on his Facebook page.
“The Germans closed the core for good, the Finns started a new nuclear power plant after 16 years of construction. France, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and others want nuclear power, in Austria the green freaks closed the nuclear power plant, they criticize us, but they like to take electricity from us. This is Europe, my dears,” he continues, attaching a video in which he discusses the whole situation in more detail.
“Doesn’t it feel like you’re in a madhouse,” he asks at the beginning of the video posted on his Facebook account by Andrej Babiš, alluding to the fact that Germany declared the so-called definitive end of nuclear power, and the German minister said that they would manage it.
To complete the absurdity that the former prime minister sees in this step, reports are coming from the north of Europe that put this step in a completely different light.
“The Germans shut down the nuclear power plant and last week Finland launched the first nuclear power plant in Europe after 16 years,” Babiš quotes from the materials in front of him and points to the contradiction that one European country is distancing itself from the nuclear power plant and another is launching a completely new nuclear power plant power plant.
“So Germany is closing, Finland is building. France wants a core, Poland wants a core, the Czech Republic wants a core, Slovakia has a core, Slovenia wants a core…” the head of the ANO movement calculates the individual countries and stops at our southern neighbors.
“In Austria, those green freaks, when the nuclear power plant was built, they shut it down. Babiš commented on the events in Austria, saying that Austria can afford it because the Czech Republic supplies 15% of their consumption there.
“This is Europe, my dears! Madness! Green Deal,” the former prime minister warns and at the same time incites, saying that there will be new elections to the European Parliament in 2024.
“And either this madness ends or it’s the fall of the Roman Empire,” Andrej Babiš compares the current situation to the one that led to the disintegration of one of the largest world empires in human history, adding that industry will end, there will be unemployment and it will be hell.
“And all the normal investors will leave,” he adds.
“Fairy tales that journalists tell us that energy is expensive because of the war in Ukraine? No! Theorists are still appearing in the media space. Political scientists and commentators. But they are not from real life,” Babiš is clear and proves it on interview with the general director of Třinecké železáren Jan Czudek, who did not identify the war in Ukraine as the main culprit of the energy crisis, but the “crazy” policy of the European Union.
Babiš continues to quote from the interview and mentions the editor’s question in which he suggests that Russia was behind the high prices.
“Russia took advantage of the situation brought about by Europe, Brussels and Germany thanks to its senseless green policy,” replied the Třinec director, and Andrej Babiš continued by summarizing the production of European emissions with regard to global ones, which are roughly 12 times higher.
In addition, it should be added that while Europe, which produces 8% of harmful emissions, tries to drastically reduce the impact on the environment even at the cost of limiting its interests, other continents or countries are very lax in this regard.
“Yes, 8% of emissions in Europe and we feel like we are saving the planet. And others cough on it. And that is the beginning of the end of Europe,” says Babiš, adding that next year we must expel “those madmen” from the European Parliament, including the corrupt ones, by the way.
“And to save Czech interests in Europe and save all of Europe. Because the propaganda, the nonsense, the repeated lies, will really end in a big disaster.”
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author: MaA