Home » today » News » Babiš about coronavirus in the Czech Republic: I don’t have good news, you won’t like it today

Babiš about coronavirus in the Czech Republic: I don’t have good news, you won’t like it today

“I don’t have good news, you really won’t like it today,” the prime minister began his regular report, summarizing the current coronavirus situation in the Czech Republic. According to him, Advent is a time of peace, but the Czechs are not calm.

After the relaxation of the measures, a huge number of people gathered on the markets, according to Babiš, there were allegedly around a thousand people on the Old Town Square, in Brno it was similar. Many of them ignored assembly security measures, and stalls were sold at stalls.

However, the epidemiological situation in the Czech Republic is deteriorating again. “The PES system showed a number of 64 today and the reproduction number is 1.02. And that is not good news. And we still have high numbers of infected. , “the prime minister said, adding that it was a great warning for people to comply with security measures.

The prime minister then turned to the mayor of Prague, according to him, he should be interested in the case when big celebrations took place in one of the companies. He also doesn’t like the fact that traffic in Prague’s public transport is limited from 22:00, and people crowd everywhere.

According to Babiš, the current situation is spoiled by irresponsible people. “Please, let’s not let that happen. Really help everyone. So that we don’t actually return to four in all here in a few days and there will be restrictions and everyone will swear, everyone will write to us. So contribute to that now, let’s be responsible. I appealed, please, I do not know what we should do more than we do, “the prime minister said, adding that the health minister would propose further action on Monday.

The Minister of the Interior, Jan Hamáček (ČSSD), also pointed out the non-compliance with the measures: “I watched with horror reports and reports on people’s non-compliance with the regulations. Even so that the police must intervene repeatedly in one place. irresponsibility and arrogance towards all those affected by the pandemic. Unfortunately, many people lost their loved ones, others were affected by the covid in their business. “

According to him, we must start behaving as adults in order to manage the pandemic. “If we don’t start, it will be necessary to close stores again,” Hamáček added.

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