Home » today » Health » Babies will soon receive a vitamin K shot instead of drops | Inland

Babies will soon receive a vitamin K shot instead of drops | Inland

The Health Council already concluded in 2017 that there are indications that a vaccination works better than drops. It would be especially an improvement for children with impaired fat absorption who are breastfed. Breast milk contains less vitamin K, which means that they require even more administration than children who are bottle-fed. Because it is impossible to determine in advance to what extent the children need the extra vitamin, it would be better to give all children an injection, according to the advice.

Following the advice of the Health Council, RIVM has drawn up a plan to properly implement this new policy. Children will soon receive a shot with the Konakion MM. If the parents do not want that, the drops also remain a possibility. The coming months will be used to make further agreements and to organize information, according to the State Secretary.

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