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Baar start-up wants to market courses more directly and more cheaply

further education

A start-up from Baar wants to market courses more directly and more cheaply

Confusing programs, little co-determination: further training offers are often poorly organized, say two entrepreneurs from Baar. They want to remedy the situation with a new platform.

A jungle of offers without price information, ratings and dates, confusing for course instructors and participants: This is how the general, current course landscape in Switzerland is designed, says Valentin Kälin, co-manager of Discentia.com AG in Baar.

“The organizer often specifies how many courses can take place where and dictates the content.”

The course instructor is therefore relatively strongly bound. “In addition, he usually receives less than 20 percent of sales.”

The Baar start-up Discentia.com AG offers a course platform with a new concept. The two founders Valentin Kälin (left) and Thomas Knell.

Image: Stefan Kaiser (Baar, July 8, 2021)

This is where he and co-managing director of the start-up Thomas Knell come in with the “Discentia” (Latin for learning) course platform.

“The courses are clearly arranged and all relevant details can be viewed immediately.”

Its head takes care of the content and the venue, everything else – course management, customer service and advertising on social media and in print – is the responsibility of the Discentia team. Whereby this can arrange event locations in hotels, restaurants or companies on request. “The course instructors also determine the price themselves and receive on average over 75 percent of sales, depending on the number of courses and participants,” reports Kälin.

The aim is to connect providers and participants. “This makes the platform attractive for both sides, especially because a completely different pricing structure is possible.” As long as a course does not take place, there are no costs for the provider. “A commission is only due when a course definitely takes place, that is, the minimum number of participants has been reached.”

The clear platform offers a wealth of information for course instructors and participants.

The clear platform offers a wealth of information for course instructors and participants.

Image: Stefan Kaiser (Baar, July 8, 2021)

Almost anything is possible

“We are making the platform accessible to everyone who wants to impart knowledge.” The offer should be broad and basically enable everything from marketing to advertising copy to handicrafts, pottery, cooking and baking.

“Especially people aged 50 plus, who may have lost their job during the Corona period, can build up a new or second pillar here.”

The platform was founded in the spring of last year and was activated in June 2021. The first courses will take place from September this year. “As expected, the start was rather subdued,” said Kälin. “We don’t have a reputation yet and now we have to work on trust.” That is why the entrepreneurs are starting an advertising campaign in online, print and social media in mid-August. “It’s a chicken and egg problem. We would of course like to offer a wide range of offers for potential participants, but the course instructors must first find out the details and gain confidence. ”

The two managing directors Thomas Knell (left) and Valentin Kälin are planning an advertising campaign for mid-August to make the course platform Discentia known.

The two managing directors Thomas Knell (left) and Valentin Kälin are planning an advertising campaign for mid-August to make the course platform Discentia known.

Image: Stefan Kaiser (Baar, July 8th, 2021)

The platform has a variety of services and options. “The booking status can be viewed at any time, course documents can be uploaded, and there is a chat between leaders and participants.” Basically, the course instructor receives a carefree package and does not bear any risk.

Twelve courses are available

Twelve courses are currently advertised and more are being added all the time.

«The current offer includes photography, marketing for SMEs, competent appearance, baking, cooking, beer tasting and much more. An Excel and wine course will also be launched soon. “

One of the plaited baking courses with the well-known bread artist and book author Katharina Arrigoni is already fully booked. “The aim is to make the whole thing a sure-fire success, which is becoming more and more popular through word-of-mouth.”

The support team for the Discentia platform in Baar consists of eight part-time employees who are responsible for customer service, marketing and the further development of the platform.

additional Information www.discentia.com

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