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Azhar Arsyad wishes to be blessed by the leadership of Islamic Boarding School DDI Mangkoso Anregurutta Farid Wajdi

FAJAR.CO.ID, BARRU – Candidate for the Deputy Governor of South Sulawesi, Ashar Arsyad, visited the residence of the Head of DDI Mangkoso Islamic Boarding School, Anregurutta, Dr. H Farid Wajdi in Mangkoso, Barru Regency, 11 September 2024.

This trip is part of Azhar Arsyad’s efforts to seek blessings and strengthen relationships with ulama and community leaders.

In this warm and friendly meeting, Azhar Arsyad expressed his vision and mission to promote South Sulawesi, including programs that support the development of Islamic boarding school education and community welfare.

“I am a student, born from a great Darud Da’wah wal Irsyad family, so DDI Mangkoso Islamic Boarding School is like my own home,” said the former General Secretary of PB DDI when he visited .

Azhar emphasized the importance of cooperation between the government and ulama in developing the region, considering the important position of DDI Mangkoso as one of the oldest and largest Islamic boarding schools in South Sulawesi.

Anregurutta Farid Wajdi warmly welcomed him and emphasized the importance of leaders who have high commitment to community issues.

The charismatic cleric from South Sulawesi advised us to always adhere to the central Islamic teachings of ahlu sunnah wal jamaah and the traditional values ​​of Islamic boarding schools.

Before that, Azhar also took the time to visit the grave of the founder of DDI Mangkoso Anregurutta Islamic Boarding School, Abdurrahman Ambo Dalle, in the Ad Da’wah Mangkoso Grand Mosque area. (Iqbal/good)

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