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Ayten Amin Egyptian Joy Egyptian today

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In any other circumstance we would have lived the sweetest moments of the euphoria of the victory, the Egyptian movie (Souad) by Etien Amin was chosen to be shown in the official competition, the first V feminization throughout our history with the Festival (Cannes), we have Egyptian posts with the beginning of the first session in 1946 with the movie (minimum) of Mohamed Karim And then with the films of Youssef Chahine, Salah Abu Seif, Kamal Al-Sheikh and Henri Barakat, all the way to Yusra Nasrallah until Abu Bakr Shawky.

The fact that she knocked on the door of (Kan) was considered a great event, so what about you as talented (Ayten), and this is her second feature film after (Villa 69) 2013.

The first time I met Ayten in a jury at the American University, 2006, she watched her short movie (her man) and was involved in the arbitration, with the great director of photography Mohsen Ahmed and director Al-Khlouq Saad Hindawi. Ayten faced a fierce attack that was forcibly disappeared, even though we were in the hall ( Ewart) at the American University, and I discovered the severity of the virus, which jumped over the walls of the American University and Mohsen and Hindawi and I fought a fierce war for her first prize.

Aiten, like others, has multiple projects, but it is the climate that kills talents, and so she again lengthened a needle hole to tell the whole world that we have a talented director.

I did not watch the movie, but the achievement it deserved made us feel happy and proud. Recently, Aiten participated in directing episodes from the series (The Seventh Jar), ​​and after the January 25 Revolution, she directed part of the long documentary film (The Good, The Bad, and the Political), as she does not give in to the market with everything she means Shades of the word that refer the market to bad.

Ayten’s last movie co-produced by Mohamed Hefzy, whose name has become in recent years the Egyptian bridge approved for transit to major festivals, and the matter has nothing to do with the large budget and the multiplicity of production companies at home and abroad, but with Hafizi’s ability to properly read the cinema in all its spectrums, four years ago (Look What) section was opened in Cannes with his movie (Clash) by Mohamed Diab, and two years later (Day of Judgment) by Abu Bakr Shawky takes part in the official competition, then he only misses a year from the competition to return to it with Ayten.

We were in (it was) slow rhythm, we participated in the official competition (destiny) Youssef Shaheen 1997, then we went fifteen years to return with Yusra Nasrallah and his movie (after the site), the years of absence go on but keep as a conscious producer and a good reader of the code of festivals, he managed to swim skillfully In that difficult environment, we rarely went out, after we rarely attended.

Hefzi is often hit under the belt, since the Minister of Culture, Dr. Enas Abdel Dayem Ali and ably guided the helm of the Cairo International Film Festival, but this is another story.

Will the movie “Souad” be shown in (Cannes) 2021, yes, his presence will guarantee the coming session after the festival management declined to show the films of this session (online), and until the date comes from our right to feel the victory of victory with (Ayten Amin) !!

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