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Aymen died for “a dispute”

A simple “dispute” would be at the origin of the death of Aymen, the 15-year-old teenager shot dead on Friday February 26 in Bondy (Seine-Saint-Denis). “It appears that a dispute has opposed the victim and his attackers for nearly a year without the origin being, for the time being, known,” said the Bobigny prosecutor’s office on Saturday in a press release. Identified by witnesses, two brothers aged 17 and 27 presented themselves to investigators this Saturday morning at 9 a.m. They were taken into police custody for murder.

Animators intervened

According to the first elements of the investigation entrusted to the judicial police of Seine-Saint-Denis, the old rivalry between these three people therefore experienced yet another and tragic rebound on Friday. In the middle of the afternoon, a first altercation took place between Aymen and the two brothers, before being interrupted by the animators of the Nelson-Mandela space who intervened to separate them. But, faced with a situation that did not calm down, the animators called the teenager’s father to come and get him.

A shot through the mailbox

It was then that a second altercation broke out, when the father arrived on the spot. The two brothers had stayed near the neighborhood house. Aymen and his father therefore took refuge inside the leisure center which, of course, during the holidays was welcoming several other teenagers. This did not prevent the two brothers from returning armed, around 5 p.m., by scooter. The Bobigny public prosecutor’s office explains that the door to the leisure center having been closed, the rear passenger got off the scooter to slip his firearm into the opening of the letterbox which gives directly inside the Nelson space. Mandela. He fired only one bullet, fatally injuring the teenager in the chest.

Read also : “The children are going in circles!”, Indignant the boxing trainer of the teenager killed in Bondy

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