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Awareness campaign to limit the spread of the virus

The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic continues in force in the Kingdom in several cities, even those which were until then spared by the phantom virus.

In parallel with the restrictive measures taken in recent days by the public authorities in a number of provinces and regions of the country, after the significant increase in confirmed cases but also in deaths (more than 1,000 cases per day and around 20 deaths per day) , awareness campaigns were also observed.

In Taounate, provincial authorities have taken a series of preventive measures and launched awareness campaigns as part of the fight against the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this city in northern Morocco, marked by the increase in recent days of cases of infection, the authorities have decided to close two public places very frequented by the population, due to the ”laxity observed and non-compliance by citizens with health and preventive measures recommended by the authoritiessays the province.

But not sure. the over all also proceeded to the temporary closure of the weekly market of Kariat Ba Mohammed, as part of preventive measures to limit the spread of the new Coronavirus, as well as six cafes (five in the commune of Taounate and one in the commune of Tissa), for non-compliance with health and preventive measures.

The authority also said that joint provincial monitoring committees, made up of local authorities and security services, carry out control visits to cafes, restaurants and fast food outlets, shops, markets. and all places that are crowded to raise awareness and encourage them to respect the safety and hygiene conditions put in place, including physical distancing, the use of hydroalcoholic gels and the wearing of protective masks.

In addition, awareness campaigns have also been launched at the level of local authorities to raise awareness of the seriousness of the pandemic and the need to exercise caution, reminding them at the same time of the importance of a collective commitment, through the implementation of barrier actions to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

The province of Taounate has incidentally indicated that the provincial watch committee meets on a regular basis to support the evolution of the epidemiological situation in the province and to examine the measures aimed at limiting the spread of the pandemic, in accordance with the measures issued by the services. central offices of the Ministries of the Interior and of Health relating in particular to the strengthening of movement control between certain towns and the imposition of rigorous control of persons and vehicles bound for the province.

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