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Awarded – Pius Parsch Prize 2023 awarded to Josef Rauffer

The prize, which was announced for the eighth time this year by Klosterneuburg Abbey and the Pius Parsch Institute, was awarded by an international jury to the Munich diocesan priest Josef Rauffer. His doctoral thesis “Daytime prayer as the prayer of all the baptized” was honored. Approaches to the Second Vatican Council and Reception in the German-Speaking Area”, a central concern of Pius Parsch. Rauffer was Cardinal Reinhard Marx’s ceremonial officer during his dissertation studies; today he works as a liturgy officer for the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising and as a priest.

Most important award in Europe

The internationally renowned Pius Parsch Prize, worth 6,000 euros, is the most important liturgical award in Europe. The foundation’s intention of the prize, which has been awarded every two years since 2009, is to advance topics in the spirit of Pius Parsch, to support young scientists and to encourage excellence in liturgical studies.

In keeping with the award-winning theme, the provost of Klosterneuburg Monastery Anton Höslinger celebrated a celebratory service with the congregation of St. Gertrud, followed by the award ceremony.

Josef Rauffer in his thanks: “I am grateful and honored to receive the award. I would like to thank Klosterneuburg Abbey for supporting my work.”

The award winner expressed touching praise for his doctoral supervisor, Professor Winfried Haunerland, who had encouraged him to apply for the Pius Parsch Prize shortly before his death. In many ways, Haunerland was a role model for him. Rauffer was particularly impressed by the calmness that his doctoral supervisor showed towards death.

In his acceptance speech, Rauffer recalled that the liturgy is a celebration of the Pascha mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He emphasized the personally changing effect of the liturgy on the individual. With his writing he hopes to contribute to the rediscovery of the ancient treasure of the Liturgy of the Day or the Liturgy of the Hours, which Pius Parsch also worked hard to publicize at the time.

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